Level 3 Password List (Patreon)
TLDR - Password List down below (Make sure you use the proper password for the proper level for the proper file)
(If a project just says patreon version with no levels it's most likely in the Level 1 List)
As you may all have noticed my newer projects don't require a password anymore.
Hey everyone I've decided to list all the passwords for each tier down below for my older projects so you all don't have to DM me for a password request and wait on me. The reason for this is
-I don't want you all to wait anxiously until I find the time to give you access. Horniness comes and goes, I don't want to blue ball you all.
-I did it this way because I was scared of not keeping supporters unless I gave them a reason to where they HAD to message me. I was not confident in my projects. I wanted to feel like my work was super exclusive when really I didn't personally like it. I relied on my supporters to tell me how much they desired it so it could boost me which is/was very cowardly of me. That way I didn't have to view my animations as bad when they really were bad (to me).
But I've grown confident.
(thanks to you guys and many other factors) to know I will have a loyal support group and I am confident in my desire to grow better in animation each and every project I create that I will not falter over my personal opinion on a project.
Password list:
Mitsuki Level 3 Version: mitsukistillhasajobtodonow
Mitsuki Level 3 Game: mitsukimaybeconfusingbutshestillisprettyhot
Android 21 Level 3 Version: android21doesnotknowthemeaningofrape
Widowmaker's Day Off Part 2 Level 3: widowmakeristhetypetodominate
MomoxBBC Level 3: momocaresaboutherreputationmorethangettingpregnant
Ivy Level 3: ivygotherpuritytakenawayfromher
2b Level 3: 2bmightgetpregnantfromthis
MomoxMineta Level 3: momocouldactuallyruntheriskofgettingpregnantinthisone
Mitsuki Level 3 Version: mitsukistillhasajobtodonow
Mitsuki Level 3 Game: mitsukimaybeconfusingbutshestillisprettyhot
Android 21 Level 3 Version: android21doesnotknowthemeaningofrape
Widowmaker's Day Off Part 2 Level 3: widowmakeristhetypetodominate
Yao Momo Level 3: momocaresaboutherreputationmorethangettingpregnant
Ivy Level 3: ivygotherpuritytakenawayfromher
2b Level 3: 2bmightgetpregnantfromthis
MomoxBWC Level 3 (white): momocaresaboutherreputationmorethangettingpregnant
Mitsuki Level 4 Version: mitsukicanbetakeninmultipleways
Android 21 Level 4 Version: android21wontactuallygetpregnantdontworry
Ivy Level 4: ivywastakenbytwocreaturesinthisone
2b Level 4: 2bwantstobringthisalienhomewithher
Including some Level 4 Projects for you all :)