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Wow! 2 projects announced in the same month!

2nd Project announced below!

I want to start out by saying I won't take a year to upload another project. I want to, and will upload more consistently (Monthly now to eventually, and hopefully bi-weekly). 

So to make things consistent I will explain the 4 types of project I could be working on at any given point to be able to make that monthly project goal.

1. Short Projects. (Things like the Boruto Part 2 mini project, which btw is now called Boruto Part 2.5) These will be like they sound. They are relatively short. and it will contain:

-                               - 1 to 2 scenes available publicly. 

                                 - A bonus scene for each level. (Level 4 might have 2 bonuses)

                                -Bigger focus on sex scenes. (Will still contain story/plot)

                                   -Will take at most a month to complete animation.

                                    -2 releases. Animated version (No Sound) and SFX Version (Releases 2
                                   weeks after Animated Version)

                                 - Possibly a release with Voice Acting

-                               - WIPS will release (Public Version/ Patreon Version)

2.Long Projects. Things like Boruto Part 2 which was 27 minutes long! They will obviously take longer to animate and can take months at a time which is why working on Short projects will allow for me, not rush a longer project. 

                                 - 2 to 4 scenes available publicly

                               -A bonus scene(s) for each level. (Guaranteed 2+ bonuses for Level 4)

                               - Bigger Focus on story (will contain sex OBVIOUSLY)

                               - No Release Date given (So Boruto Part 2 fiasco does not happen again)

-                              - 3 releases. Animated Version. Sound Version(Release 2 weeks after first). Voice Acted Version (Don't know how many weeks after since VAs or inconsistent)

-                               - WIPS will upload every now and then. 

3.Experimental Projects. The whole point is to try new things (WHICH IS WHAT TODAY's ANNOUNCEMENT IS ABOUT BTW)

                               -Since these are experiments, their production formula cannot be accurately described

-                               - Will try to push for a Public, Level 1, Level 3, Level 4 Version

-                               -If not just a simple Public/Patreon Version

-                               -Won't always be announced prior. ( Announcing today just so it's not surprising)

-                               -This is so I don't feel guilty when people tell me "Why aren't you working on this project" and comments of that nature. I will be. Saying This to all of you prior is for my sanity.

4.NORMAL SEX SCENES. Basically what every other Animator does. a normal sex scene with no story elements. I made a name for myself by being different and adding story and I will always strive for that. I don't want to feel bad for just wanting to animate a scene just because, Animating a whole story takes time when I want to just animate instead of plan projects for a week.

-                               -Public version/Patreon Version/Potentially a Level 4 Version

-                               -I want to do this twice a month but we will see.

-                               -I said no story but if I can't help but add story I will.

-                               -2 releases. Animation and Sound. (Should only take 1 week to add sound)

2nd project announcement


This is Experimental. What I will be trying could be categorized into any of the other 3 types of projects but in this stage I can add any weird variable I want. I won't spoil what the experiment is. 

Also one question who is better Fubuki or her sister? (Won't change the girl it will stay as Fubuki)

