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  • Boruto x Sakura (Clothing Removal and Missionary Scene WIP).mp4



Hey everyone:

TLDR: Check attachments below or look on twitter here: https://twitter.com/GohanMcjunior/status/1540520767120723970 

for sex scene WIP and Boruto taking Sakura's Pants off.

Concept 1 and  2 are the winners for the Sex Scene Vote. I animated concept 1 (Leg grab missionary). It's just a WIP but that's the idea of the motion. Variations will be added and I'll have fun with them :)

Also alot of people brought to my attention how animating Sakura being undressed would make it so much hotter (better). I said animating that is near impossible because cloth removal needs to be in the model. I tried to Force my own way of animating cloth removal attached below. This is as far as I could animate without destroying the integrity of the model. Let me know what you think.

Sound will be added after all animation is done. (Like with Boruto Part 2)

Concept 1 will be finished soon and Concept 2 Animation WIP will be posted soon as well. 





Oh my god that’s amazing

casey sokolik

looks, good and like the idea of starting and transitioning to naked, rather than just goin in. thanks and for the hard work

Lambo Xiao Long

Appreciate the effort made and really dig the time passing transition