Production Update (Not April Fool's joke, I don't like those) (Patreon)
Hey everyone
Just writing a quick update about production so far, just some quick footnotes.
1. Animating the fight scene currently, it's taking time because I suck, I'm bad . I've been learning fight animation and courses for while not too recently so I hopefully get better.
2. The story implications with Tsunade is... actually I'm stupid, I'm not going to spoil, just look forward to when it gets uploaded.
3.Voice Actor for Hinata put her lines in, I'm going to review them this week, and add them to the Hinata's path scenes. Told her she could adlib some parts of it and see where it goes from there, might have her modify some lines once I review them and go from there.
That's all, have a good day/night everyone!