Hometime - Chapter 2: An Ordinary Day Again? (Patreon)
2024-08-01 18:00:09
Hello again,
Here is chapter 2 of Hometime, I hope you enjoy this one, if you've read the story you can probably see the central mechanic at play already. Kind of a fun concept to work with if I'm being honest, didn't think it would be that fun. This is a long one so there is plenty more to come.
If you've not read my update post for August, you can do so here
This will be the only post this week whilst I work on coding for the game, renders should start to trickle down next week I am hopeful to get 0.02 out fairly soon actually. I am saying that but I haven't started rendering yet, that could offset the timeline in my head a bit if it goes poorly. Right now though, the code is going well
Until next week, have a great weekend