October Update (Patreon)
Hello and Happy October
Indeed, the spooky season is upon us and there are lots of things I have planned and hope to deliver this month. These usually go on for ages, but I will try to keep this brief.
Hometime – Still ongoing, more chapters planned, my current timeline for finishing this one is seemingly bumped each time I write a chapter so I will just say, there is lots more to come.
Commission – I have a commission that I am coming to the end of, this will undoubtedly start releasing this month, for now I will say that it focuses on Weight Gain.
Halloween Story – You all voted, and the winner was Breast Expansion, so expect this to start releasing next week, based on how much I have in my head about this one, it could bleed into November, almost certainly will.
Ravenous – It’s gone on the back burner for a bit, again, lots there to cook with.
November story – I have an ambition to bring back a story I wrote some time ago for November, so I hope you enjoy with what I hope to bring back to life for that
Other admin type things:
Free Patreon Page – Lots of you have enjoyed the free posts that you’ve gained access to as a free member, I will look to continue this and make it worth your while, but it will certainly be less releases than September.
Sales & Discounts – I am still doing work on sales and discounts on my other pages, you will hear about them as they develop over time, I haven’t preplanned anything like last month.
The Game – Yes, this has taken a pause from my ideal release schedule and whilst that isn’t something I take lightly, I am working on it still in the background and I do intend to do more with but at the same time, I didn’t ever my pages as being a game, so this is a passion project within my writing passion project right now. It will return and I will do more but I don’t have a timeline yet.
There I go, rambling on again…
I always get on here and thank you all each month and I want to make sure that you all understand that I never phone that in, I am genuinely so grateful as I head into my 4th year of doing this. So, thank you everyone and I hope that I can think of some good fun for the 3rd anniversary celebrations, there will be a poll on my page regarding this in the next few weeks.
Thank you all
P.S I am almost at 13,000 watchers! Thank you!