Epidemic BE: Rehydrated - Chapter 7 (Patreon)
Hello Everyone,
I sorta lied on Wednesday, I scheduled a post in the morning to say that I was sending the commission over for today's post and was hoping to drop a new story to you today. However, when compiling it and sorting it out, I found the ending to be not what I wanted to finish on, so I kept writing... and kept writing... and suddenly I've got two more chapters to write and I am late to so many things in my day.
Right now I have not finished the extra bit at the end and I hope to get that done this weekend so I can release the first chapter next week but until then, I'm just going to have to keep you all waiting a bit longer.
Also, just a random aside, I have drawn the winners of the giveaway so make sure you check your DA inboxes if you haven't already, if you entered obviously.
Epidemic is still chugging along, a few more chapters left but hopefully a new story next week, so, thank you very much for the support, have a great weekend.