Cursed Pumpkins - Chapter 1 (Patreon)
2023-10-31 21:49:52
Hello Everyone,
I wanted to get this sorted sooner but alas, time is rarely something I feel I have an abdunance of. That being said, I am writing this story and posting almost immediately. I've not done that in quite some time due to how I treat commissions so hopefully that means more content for you all to enjoy at a different pace.
I was very concious that a Halloween Story should at least start on Halloween
The aim will be to write the story in a sort of real-time timescale. So it will take place over the coming few days ideally.
Chapter 2 will land within 24 hours and that should look at Halloween night and the 1st of November
Let me know what you think :)
p.s This story will be affected by Polls, make sure you vote here