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Howdy Everyone,

Lots going on my pages so if you haven't checked out the polls I am running on my DA & my Patreon, take a gander!

Also I am running a giveaway on my Twitter and I have just shared a discount code for my Gumroad too! Check it all out

Tomorrow BBF Chapter 8

Yesterday  I said "Saturday I am still working on something, hoping to get it over  the line for Sat or Sunday" currently that plan is falling through in  real time due to a few things, I am looking at working on something to  repalce it

Monday BBF Chapter 9

Tuesday Cursed Pumpkins Chapter 6

Wednesday BBF Chapter 10

Thursday Cursed Pumpkins Chapter 7 (Finale)

Friday BBF Chapter 11 (Finale)

Thank you everyone for making these last two years absolutely amazing!



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