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<code><code><code>Hello there :)</code></code></code>

Just wanted to share some thoughts regarding the future of my Patreon page and my Patreons. Also thumbs up to my first Patreon text post :P!!!!!!

So far it has been a basic support Patreon page with not much appeal (not that I expected it any in the first place ^^;....), I have slowly added a specific Tier to be able to view paid commissions that I intend to post here from now on and maybe deliver for free in other sites after 1x years time or so (still considering it!!).................unless people start going around and post them without me knowing but.....I do not think I can do something to stop that XD.  Though  releasing my Patreon only works by myself after a certain amount of time has passed for free will probably make some people frustrate ^^;.......?

On the next topic starting on February 2021 (next week pretty much XD), I will try and devote the online stream session of every Wednesdays on making a Patreon exclusive post (aka image). You think I should go solo in my picking or maybe something like a "suggestion pool" would help?

Following the previous topic I was considering to add (within the next two following months) a new Tier where you can access the complete file(s) leading to the creation of each finalized drawing (mainly those that involve clean Line Arts, colors etc...) which would be the .psd files of Photoshop which I am currently using. Looking at some point on heading to Clip Studio Paint and try it as well.

The file in question will include all the lawyers used (with effects or not) to achieve the final piece. What I can do to help moreover is to name them accordingly on what each one of them represents, for example #Main Body Basic Color etc....

Moreover to that I am conflicted whereas I should share the "exact" steps you need to use in Photoshop to kind of achieve the "anime-ish" look..................or at least what I personally have experimented on and have found so far.......

Anyway those are my thoughts so far, what do you think about it :)?

Again thanks for your support so far :D!  



Interesting post for the draw streams on February I'd say a suggestion pool would be nice. That new tier also sounds cool I might join that later just to support.