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No no this is not the final picture for the PATREON Character Poll #3 picture XD....Today I only managed to make the basic sketch for it and posting it for now as a "sneak peak" for PATREONs only........

On my defense I did add this vote category for me to be able to "alter" the characters a little ^.^;........ In short instead of making the good old classic OG Zelda I decided to give her a modern outfit. The final picture will have a semi background element as well :).

As someone suggested during the Stream the latest Zelda is kinda of a bookworm so I gave her that trait and the background will be relevant with it ^.^;.......

The Sketch will go for free once the finalized picture is made and posted for PATREONs only as usual :).

Hope you like it so far ^.^!




Super lovely