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Hello everyone,

Sorry for the late update, besides the network works done and my busy day I almost forgot to update the commission Tier. It is now up and running though.

If anyone is interested you are free to join. If you are among the people to which I owe still commissions from last year, first thank you for the extra support and second I will prioritize your older ones first. In essence you are paying for a "future Slot" if you fall under that category.

I will keep it at 3x Slots for now and will judge each month if I can open for like 1-2 more or not. If you think the price is higher then before you can, and I do want you to do so, to tell me why you feel so. I believe I have advanced to that point ^.^;.....

If I pause this commission Tier I will make a post way before doing so prompt you to change Tier for the time being or unsub to avoid PATREONS auto charge (remember last years fiasko.....). You will have at least one week prior to the warning. After that I will not take any responsibility. But in case something goes wrong (we are humans after all) I am willing to refund you if you note me.

The plans remains the same as before, catch up on last year while boosting the monthly income a little. I am slow and I do not want to drop any "quality" that I offer. If you are sick and tired of it........I do not blame you.........you have every right to be angry at me or disappointed.

Here's to hoping to manage to catch up. And above all thank you for your support.


*sigh just realized that with the new TIER those who joined don't have access to the old posts. I have to go and change the permission access to all the old posts by hand since PATREON is incapable of updating it's system. Sorry to those that joined the new commission TIER but I will not go through that process. You will have access to all new posts though since I can grant the permission on the go. No hard feelings >.< but it's freaking stupid. If you want something from the older posts do tell me and I will send them to you!



Dang I missed out


I might be opening 1-2 extra slots next month ..............I will wait and judge near the end of January XD......


Good luck!