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This is one of the very rare Japanese RPGMaker game that actually got an official English translation. It's basically kinda like Pokemon but with cute shota-style gijinka monsters! 

I really enjoyed playing it and I liked so many of the monster designs that I can't choose which one to draw.....so I just drew them all my favorite ones! XD Now you can excuse me for taking so long to upload when I draw 13 characters at once.

You can find out more about the game (and buy it or play the free demo if you want) here : https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=63115904

Full size CG set in $2.5 folder, transparent render in $5 folder and PSD file in $7.5 folder as usual. Enjoy!



Edgardo Perez

beautiful, will you do a NSFW version? wish i could buy it but the store i found it in doesn't take paypal for pg18 stuff :(