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In the League of Legends universe Kai'Sa and Akali are part of a K-pop  group known as KDA. Unfortunately for Akali her performances have  recently been subpar and the agency in charge of managing KDA has  decided it would be more profitable to add a different League of Legends  girl to their roster. The agency has given orders to Kai'Sa to dispose  of Akali to make her spot vacant. There has been a bit of a rivalry  going on between Kai'Sa and Akali so Kai'Sa gladly accepted the order,  she was looking forward to watching Akali writhe in agony during her  final moments.



Erick Salas

By chance a version where they are barefooted? And awesome art 😆


Thanks, I'm happy to hear you like the set! I don't like bare feet so I typically don't make those kinds of images. However, I occasionally do sets where the girls are barefoot because I know some viewers like it.


This is AMAZING *-*. I was expecting some more close ups on Akali's face screaming or begging her to stop but I freaking love when they get folded like a preatzel. I in general prefer to see some huge muscle girls destroying the smalls one so I hope the next one is that kind (maybe more Natalya or Athena)


Wonderful story! Concur with others that I prefer the muscle girls doing the damage, but nonetheless the action here is perfect. I love the up close and personal nature of the dominance from the overhead press to the pretzel fold. Kudos to the artist.


Thanks! I'll be going back to the stronger and more muscular female characters. It was refreshing to play around with some cartoony and skinnier models but I definitely prefer the muscle babes.


Thanks! I actually did want to get more closeups of Akali's face but the problem was Kai'Sa had her hand in the way most of the time since she was pushing Akali's head back. The muscle babes will return, I love using the stronger models in my work.


In the future I think I may revisit giving Akali a more fit and realistic body. Her current cartoony proportions aren't my preference.