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That River

I do have dyslexia(I hate that word, so difficult to spell). I can't read aloud, because I speak quicker than I read and subconciously invent words that I think fit in with the text. I hate the spelling mistakes I can never seem to get rid off, how slow I read, and how many times I have to start over because I've lost my place. And don't even get me started on numbers. How do I cope? The red squigly lines under the words help a lot, I rarely write by hand if I can help it, way prefer to type in a proper word program. I generally don't think about my dyslexia until someone points out a mistake I've done(which happens a bit too frequently), or I catch a mistake I've done(which happens a bit too rarely for my tastes). Do I think of you differently now that I know this about you? No, not really.


I am number dyslexic. Numbers turn to a jumbled up mess in my head. Makes it ridiculously hard to do math in my head and I avoid counting money in front of others because of how many times I have to start over. I used to be embarrassed by it until a teacher taught me how to work around it. I honestly don't care that you're dyslexic.