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Richard Warnock

Everyone is hardest on themselves when looking back, I’ve done the same about reaching out to old relationships in one form or another knowing the pain it causes but still did it, And everyone can be hypocritical I’m always saying to people who say why don’t I use my own advice “I’m a hypocrite and it’s do as I say not as I do” but I know the feeling of wanting to have a significant other to give me the advice you give and encouragement you give in your audios. I’ve no idea where I’m going with this apart from ending by saying I care we care about you and will always shower you with love and understanding and will always be there for you when you need us

Neil Winter

You always have us to tell you that you're wonderful. I've never had a proper relationship so I can't relate there, but I know what it's like to dwell on past mistakes. It's a shame the brain remembers the traumatic partsmore than the good times, and of course there are much more to come, but we learn from mistakes too and grow as people. The point is, what has happened in the past stays there unless you want to live in it. That is over and you've become better in the present from that