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[F4A] In the Blood [A Blessing Not a Curse][Supernatural Roleplay][Dark][Corruption][It Is Just Science][Kidnapping][Gender Neutral][An Alpha Werewolf Gets Revenge on the General Determined to Wipe out Her Pack] 


Walter Banks

Ohhh a werewolf audio! I love werewolves!

Richard Warnock

Saw werewolf yey! Read tags ohhh.... damn still be good though

Walter Banks

Oh? ok well I still support any kind of audio you make Honey! I never judge or try to control anybody's direction of work. I just hope your doing ok though.

Richard Warnock

Left a lot like this audio today with the shite at work, but think I’d end up being one of the werewolves that give them a bad name going in a rampage

Walter Banks

I honestly would rather be a werewolf in this world then apart of the general's human army.

The Kid

Damn good job. Has that same edge to it that World of Darkness was known for. Again, your killing these story focused ones.

Fei Xin

Like I said before; love your audios. Very talented and enjoyable. Can’t wait for more of your amazing work


Two sci-fi flavoured audios in a single day?🥰 Be still, my nerd heart! -tilts head- oh.. oh, okay. -clears throat- My heart has informed me that it will NOT be still, and instead shall exist in the state known as "aflutter," until it damned well pleases.