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The Kid

The key to crossing the street is to wanna be put out of your misery anyway. Puts out a really good "fuck off" vibe to driver's.

The Kid

As for putting out content, I don't think that quantity of content will annoy fans so long as you have your quality. You have built an extremely solid library of work and have been so consistent on its caliber I don't think anybody subscribed to you will mind in the slightest. There is such thing as to much of a good thing but cross-posting isn't in danger of reaching that, barring of course you uploading a series of minute by minute updates on your day. Hell, there's probably some wierdos up for that too. Point is, your content is cashmoney to your fanbase. Let it rain.


...but did you make it back to work on time?!? O_o


Relatable as fuck. I have my own speech issues, and noticing them makes it worse, which is absolute balls, as I have to pay attention to address one of them. Another is a weird jaw spasm I get as a side effect from meds, which is mitigated pretty well by another med... until I forgot them when I went on vacation. Now all my brainchem is like, "gotta call a client/give a presentation/not sound like Adam from Beetlejuice when his jaw falls off? Should've thought about that before you left your pills, dummy." It's lame, and I'm sorry you're down about it. For whatever it's worth, I think you sound great -- wouldn't be a patron if I didn't. Pretty sure the others would agree, too. Anyway. Try not to beat yourself up too much, eh? And if you ever want to commiserate about voices and speech and why both are wonderful and kinda shitty? I gotchu. As an added bonus, it might help you feel more secure; I mean, I'm American. Have you HEARD us speak? Fuck. But seriously, feel better. You're doing great. 👍

Walter Banks

Honey it's ok. your speech and vocal patterns are good with me ☺ . Honey you are awsome regardless of stress or speech or anything else because you are you. I don't understand how it feels to be uncomfortable with speech or speaking to be honest but I do know this. A soul ,a person is great regardless of anything else life or self dought throws at them. And I believe that you are great and awsome Honey.


Jesus Christ, it's always a fucking novel with me. 🙄


I wouldn't worry about the cross posting, it's been nice having your website stuff posted here lately. I've heard some before, but it's nice to revisit (I had forgotten all about that prostitute one, it rules). Sorry you're having a rough time atm :(

Evan Allen

Your speech is wonderful and you are able to communicate thoughts very well, sarcasm is just a bonus sometimes. As far as content: more places, more better. Patreon? Check. Youtube? Check. Website? Check. Rss feeds for any/all of them? Absolutely. We can filter on our end, just aim the firehose and let fly.

Lucius D. Basileus

I completely get that my words may not mean much, but I can relate to the feeling. I was diagnosed with dyslexia when I was in year 1, and thanks to my severe anxiety, speaking to a group of 4 or more usually causes me to stutter and stumble words to a point that no one knows what I am trying to say, and most people simply assume I'm unintelligent and not worth anyone's time. I've been working at a job recently that requires me to speak to groups to help me with this, but missing one word or stuttering always still makes me feel I should shut up and stop talking all together. It wasn't until one of my coworkers called me the professor to another customer, because (unknowingly to them) I tried to compensate for my lack of speech skills with knowledge of the job/product, that I realized most people either don't recognize/care if you miss a word or stutter. I'm still struggling with it myself, but I want you to know I've never thought you were incoherent with your audios or livestreams. Before hearing this, I always wondered how you created such brilliant content. I STILL think you are wonderful and am amazed with every audio you release. Every notification from you brightens my day. Just like @Crystal Braden said, I would not be supporting you if I wasn't amazed by ALL of your content or thought you didn't sound phenomenal! Personally I don't mind recieving multiple notifications from you, even if it is previous content, because I always love listening to you even if I've heard it before.

Alan Hutchins

Honey..oh Honey.....too self critical when it really isnt called for.....you need a confidence boost...which is strange ??

Aleksander Zdunek

Hm, I've never wished to be an alpaca before.

Andrew Dafoe

Honey dude your speech is brilliant your fantastic!


Sadly, you can't annoy me with your words. But you deleting your audios really gets om my nerves. p.s. You cant screw up your confidence, if you have none.