Just When You Though It Was Safe.. (Patreon)
Honey has returned. So let us kick off with an apology as I am English and that is what we do. Sorry I up and disappeared, it was not my intention in any way to do so but everything got a little to much for me.
I have never made a secret of the fact that I get a metric shit tonne of grief on the internet. Now as a female content creator that does not mark me out as special in anyway, but the grief I get is abundant and annoyingly persistent in its nature. I am assuming that with lock down they have found themselves with more time on their hands and, oh my, are they being very productive.
With work and everything I just kind of noped out of everything. Legit people think that I dropped off the face of the planet.
Again, I so sorry as it was not fair to you to go to ground without at least giving you a head's up.
Audios are going to really start up tomorrow, but there will be a couple dropped today. Although I cannot promise as to how good they are as I have not recorded in a week or so. Your Honey is way out of practice.
But I am back now, sorry about that. *awkward English noises*