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Another chance meeting at the bus stop finds Emma annoyed at the Bad Joke Lover and acting very strangely Screamheart like.



Seems like Crumpet and the Bad Joke Lover need to have words. Granted, Crumpet wants his Screamheart back too, but stalking is right out... Scratch that, BJL is gunna need to figure out who this fucking Doctor is and they AND Crumpet will need to have words with them (the Doctor, that is)


Sheeee's Baaaack. Hopefully. Who is this Doctor and how do we stop them?

Aleksander Zdunek

Oh no, Screamheart! I mean Emma. I mean... screamheart?

Camilo Iribarren

Somehow I get the feeling that Crumpet knows where to go and we as the Bad Joke Lover need to investigate more.


Chamomile is the devils crotch sweat. And not in a good way. Also, I am binge watching these back to back 😅