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And people still always ask why I hate the holidays... I don't strictly hate the Holidays themselves, but I hate all the extra bullshit motherfucking random ass *work* that gets involved with it. Also, family. Fucking hate the expectation that you spend time with people you more or less hate or have nothing in common with. Can't we have the holidays be just... you know... CHILL and relax with people that you ACTUALLY care about?! ....I feel each and every heavy sigh in this audio Sweetheart. I really do. Holidays are fucking weird "these days" And lets not start with Work. I am glad and surprised as hell that I'm not getting mandatory over time leading up to the Holiday, but also, hurray. I have one day off for Holiday. One. Day.


Stay strong Sweetheart, we're all in this together. I'm pulling for you, and I know you can make it. Hell, I'd be down to help clean an attic to give you more time to get other shit done... just... ya know... I'm across the Pond soooo...

Mike Taylor

I wish you all the best and hope your dinner comes out amazing in spite of everything. What you've got planned sounds spectacular. I've only ever had duck once in my life, but I do concur that it's greasy. It was still pretty tasty, though. I would not turn it down if it was offered to me again. As frustrating as parents can be, you're lucky you can spend Christmas with yours. Eventually there are no more Christmases with one's parents. I've had to face that reality for the past four years. So do your best to have fun with them and laugh and have a good time okay? Promise me that.

Mika Koverola

Some consolation, you would not be sunning yourself in Spain attamom, +13 and constant rain for the entire week according to my colleagues in U of Granada

Camilo Iribarren

Aww I’m so sorry … you are a strong person and you can achieve what you need. Spend time with your family and loved ones because it is the best support group you’ll get, as long as you have a caring family

Aleksander Zdunek

I hate supermarkets in general. I feel bad that you haven't gotten to go on your vacation. I feel in some sense partly responsible, for guilting you into prioritising recording audios.