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Because I am still having a lot of issues recording I am afraid this month's Patreon exclusives are going to be delivered late. However, please be assured that anyone who pledged for July will receive the outstanding audios via email no matter what their pledge status for August. From Tuesday the Patreon exclusive audios will be released on a staggered basis with one exclusive a day to help me get a balance between recording, editing and creating general content.

I have been trying to record but the results just were not something I felt comfortable with. I do apologise and I feel obligated to point out that Patreon will be charging August pledges tomorrow, and if you wish to discontinue your pledge now would be the time to do so to avoid being charged. I just wanted to put that out there because I completely understand if you want to do so after the shit show that July was and I don't want anyone getting charged unknowingly. 

EDIT: So many mistakes. Brain still no worky. 


Lost Puppy

no reason to unpledge, You got sick it happens, it was a serious sickness so You need/needed time to heal up. so no apologies needed lol


Just take your time. We are not going anywhere. No matter how hard to try to chase us off