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I received a long, two-paragraph comment about how entitled and narcissistic all of my characters are, which is a point of view that I can kind of see. But then the commenter gave me advice that will change the audios I record going forward. From now on my audios will have "soft and humble" characters who put the listener first, "sweet and deferential" characters who listen because the listener talks about "stuff that is actually important," and characters "who don't make this about her" because "the listener doesn't care how she feels, he has more on his plate."

Or not. 




Kate Mackenzie

Oh, they sound like an absolutely delightful person! How kind of them to give you such helpful advice on making audios which will appeal to them, the only person in the world whose opinion matters! Yeah, fuck that, that commenter doesn't even deserve the time you spent reading their screed. Some people just suck, unfortunately!


We can all point and laugh, but I'm here questioning the logistics of what he's asking. Like, how is the character supposed to listen to us without the audio consisting of a big block of silence right in the middle? Moreover, how is the actual performer supposed to account for what the audience says in that time? So like, imagine an audio where the character asks how your day was. You, the listener, say it was actually pretty good. Your boss is out of town for the week so you don't have that guy up your ass for nine hours a day. The character responds with "Oh, I'm sorry you had such a bad day" See the problem? This guy probably wasn't trying to be a jackass and was trying to offer genuine advice, but I don't see how it could realistically be used. The medium doesn't allow for it.


It is an impossibility of the medium, but that fault is solely on me. The listener is blameless.


You know I'm normally too lazy to ever comment on your posts. But after this I'm going to make sure to always try and say something positive cuz no one deserves that negativity.

Amanda Nonyuh (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-16 15:30:55 Just to style on them, you could make more yandere audios. Just saying. No ulterior motive here... >.> Nope. Not at all.
2023-01-13 18:00:00 Just to style on them, you could make more yandere audios. Just saying. No ulterior motive here... >.> Nope. Not at all.

Just to style on them, you could make more yandere audios. Just saying. No ulterior motive here... >.> Nope. Not at all.