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It is just temporary, as I need to reedit them because there was a glitch that was somehow exacerbated by the render process. Please bear with me as I go back to the raw audio and try to fix it.

I am so sorry for the inconvenience.


Mika Koverola

Honestly, I do appreciate your dedication to perfection but sometimes I wonder... do you have a secret deal with a cabal of underground ear doctors or something? I did listen to the audios (probably with more attention than I normally do) and didn't notice any problems so now I'm starting to worry about what kind of hearing loss I have...


You’re fine! Have a great day! ☀️

Darren Crittall

Im beginning to suspect That Orchid is the one with the hearing problems as they sounded great to me.


I posted an example, it is something to do with the render and upload. So the raw audios is fine but the final when uploaded or rendered in video has little skips.