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Where, however, do you meet her?

  1. After sneaking into a late night Star Wars marathon, the geeky drider gets so into the action that she jumps up in excitement, accidentally knocking over her popcorn and spilling it all over the listener who is sitting in front of her
  2. The geeky driver starts jogging in an effort to be healthy after eating ten too many comfort cakes, but soon becomes so exhausted that she collapses on the doorstep of her neighbour, the listener.
  3. In an attempt to take a selfie, the geeky drider accidentally drops her phone and it hits the listener on the head from a great height.
  4. In an effort to be more adventurous, the geeky drider decides to try bungee jumping. She chickens out at the last minute and starts to back away, but the listener who's waiting in line behind her encourages her to go through with it. They end up jumping together, mostly because of her panic death grip.



Tough choice between the Star Wars marathon and the bungee jumping death grip

Dhalexpert .

These are all rather good options, is it possible to pick all of them?