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Is it a good thing or a bad thing? Actually, I believe it is both. To save you a listen, I've decided to delete the Honey Audio channel. It won't happen right away, but it will happen eventually.

You can listen to the audio and get a general gist of my motivations, but the moment the idea crystallised, I felt a sense of positivity. Yes, I'm figuring out what's going on and how it's going to happen, but the idea felt positive. There are a lot of emotions caught in it, and I am feeling the broadside of my anxieties, but before they reared their ugly heads, the feeling of positivity rang loud and true.

I plan to redo and hopefully expand on a lot of the audios because I am a much better actress and my editing skills are....well, I actually have skills now.

Is this a frightening thing? Fuck Yes. Could this be something I come to regret? Yes, absolutely. Am I certain that this course of action is the best option? No, not at all. Before I began to worry about it and before my anxieties became entrenched, however, the idea made me feel lighter, which is unquestionably a good thing.

Therefore, my next step is to download all of the videos and then hide the channel. So please cross your fingers for me.



Big change indeed. Quite a few vids I like and have on a private playlist will be gone.. like alot alot , but as you said they may return / revamped. Nonetheless, if it is for the betterment of your mind I am for it


If it were me, I would've left the channel up. But I understand it's not my decision to make. Do what you have to, I'll support it. If deleting (or just hiding) the Honey Audio channel will give you peace of mind, then do it. A few old playlists I threw together is a small price to pay for the well-being of my favorite creator.


I think I will leave it at hiding it for now, just doing that was massive. Thank you for your support.