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Been a while since we had a ramble this fucking weird. The weirdo returns. 



Mike Taylor

Well, we adore our weirdo. So there's that.


Why do you mean... "Returns"? The weirdo was gone? Jkjk we love ya you adorable brit

Kate Mackenzie

"I want you to hear me flop with nice hair!" You are so very Orchid and it's an absolute joy. (and also I'm not sure what's up with your pillow/face fixation but it's entertaining and a touch worrisome)

Downeast Writer

Gremlins is a weird term for Orchid forgot her glasses today.

Darren Crittall

Random thoughts. Yay, I love your rambles. Yay, Im not the nutter on the bus. Yay, awesome Dr. Who reference. Yay ??? So this is Orchids brain on Bubble Tea????

Lost Puppy


Mike Taylor

How have I been? This is kind of a rough time of the year for me. I find myself dwelling on some not fun stuff.