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Hey everyone!

Get ready for a fantastic week ahead with not one, not two, but THREE livestream events! Right down to the wire, as always.:

Pour-ly Behaved: A Livestream of Tea Antics

Date:Tuesday, 28th November Time: 20:00 GMT

Brewed Awakening: Get Ready for the Tea-clipse

Date:Wednesday, 29th November Time: 20:00 GMT

Chai Hard: Teatime Action Adventure -  Audio Suggestion Livestream

Date: Thursday, 30th November Time: 20:00 GMT



Darren Crittall

I see what you did there. Punning, very Punning.


had bit problems with sleeping and was grumpy in the morning, but after turning off alarm clock and next thing i saw was this absolute unit of cuteness cheered me up, thank you Orchid