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I am once again the queen of short notice, but you just can't live stream with no voice and when you are coughing all the time. I really am so sorry.



Rest and recover please!! Your wellbeing means more than anything else. 😊


*in granpas voice* let me remind you that in my time there were 2 effective ways to combat those pests : - get cup, squeeze half of fresh lemon in a cup, pour hot water in it and add 2 tea spoons of honey, and steer it, try to drink it while it's hot, repeat 1 or 1 and half hour there was some kind of saying about lemons : when the lemon hits then fan the shi... something OAH, where was i ? o, right the remedies, moving on : - get ginger and honey (1:2 ratio) in mixer/blender thingy till it's in nice paste (in my time we didn't have those so we just turned over lawn mower and .... ), when it's in nice mush, once in a while take a real chunky spoonful of it and slowly eat it and "enjoy" the taste every hour p.s. at remedy nr.1 granpa was not brave enough but you can go with whole lemon