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Hello everyone,

The Chapel of the Emperor is a place of holiness and the power of faith in the Imperial Creed. But it is also a desirable target for desecration by dark forces. What is the fate of the temple in your history?

Today I have prepared two maps for you at once, inspired by the creation of my subscriber SkyhawkSG1. This is a map of a chapel in the light of the Emperor's grace and a Corrupt chapel ravaged by dark forces. The maps have the same level design, which means you can switch them right during the game to display the metamorphoses of your plot.

The chapel is a very popular place in many scenarios and I think many of you will find these maps useful.

The map has a connectivity icon (puzzle symbol) this means that it can be connected to any maps with the same symbol.



Hank Rillek

Good idea to have 2 versions! That gives us options for storylines. :D