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Several steel ropes with piercing heads punched through the metal body of the cruise from all sides, holding the humongous cruise ship in place like a captive held by ropes to prevent it from fleeing. More than a dozen submarines floated up on all sides, before stationing themselves to a fixed distance from the cruise, as dozens of Umbreon, Magnemite, Goldbat and Weezing flooded the cruise's deck, protected from the incoming attacks of the sailors' pokémon via psychic shields created by Alakazam standing on the turbines.
In a matter of seconds, the deck was swarming with Team Rocket grunts, who had knocked down several sailors from their positions, taking the deck of the cruise under their control. Someone detonated an explosion on the top, as the entire set of stairs leading to the Banquet Hall exploded into smithereens, trapping the passengers inside the Hall, with no option of getting outside, except to break through the ship walls, all the while having the risk of suffering fire from the Rockets' pokémon.
One of the Rockets stood at the front of the broken staircase, and lifted his hood. "Attention, my dear friends. This is Team Rocket Executive Proton, speaking." His voice was getting amplified by the Crowbat flying in front of him. "In exactly five minutes, this entire ship will be blown to bits. Those of you planning on resisting us from taking away your pokémon and valuables, kindly avoid doing so. I'm sure your friends and family wouldn't want your mangled remains to float in the sea."
Silence pervaded for the next couple of seconds. Despite the refined cruelty and deceptively smooth tone, there was no doubt that he wasn't kidding.
"As of right now, I have twenty five hyper beams locked on to the Banquet Hall, where I am assured that you all are hiding. Imagine what might happen should I order the beams to fire all together."
Proton laughed. A cold, cruel laugh.
"And then launch the attack all over again on-"
The rest of his words were punctured by a resonating blast of white light from deep beneath the broken staircase, literally evaporating two Rocket grunts standing there, and almost including Proton had he not instantly leapt to the right, avoiding the beam, which hit his Crowbat in the face, hurling it all the way to the ocean, before it fell into the calm waters.
The Crowbat never rose up again that night.
From the newly created zone, Steven Stone walked out, his Metagross behind him, a psychic shield fluttering in his front, as he stared at the Team Rocket Executive on the floor. "You were saying?"
Proton snarled. "Attack!"
Steven smirked. "Flash! Full power!"
And the world got enveloped in blinding white light.
A groan resounded from the kitchen as Jessie woke up with a pounding headache, before remembering what happened. "That twerp." She snarled before shaking James awake.
"Five more minutes mommy," James muttered sleepily before being kicked in the side. "Ah I'm up!"
Taking in his surroundings, James coughed a bit embarrassed.
"Where's the twerp?"
"Gone, we had him." Jessie said looking very annoyed.
James gave a nod looking around. "I'm surprised he played dirty like that, he seemed like too much of a goody-two shoes to not do that." He responded remembering the last few times they fought him the twerp always played fair.
It was why they didn't attack him directly until he tried playing dirty, in fact his Koffing's sludge wouldn't have killed him just knock him out as he trained his Koffing specifically to do that.
Pushing himself up, James saw the huge hole in the wall as well as some blood. "Jessie you think we might've killed him?" He asked with some worry as they might commit a lot of crimes but murder wasn't one he wanted to do.
Seeing the hole, Jessie will admit she grew a bit worried and checked. "No body." She confirmed seeing footprints with flour and blood mixed together walking away. "But the twerp is injured."
"Uh Jessie how come our Pokemon are already returned?" James asked surprising Jessie as she looked around in concern.
While she did want to catch that twerp she will admit that she was concerned about the state of her Pokemon. 'Did the twerp do this?' She thought looking at her Pokeballs.
It was the only thing she can think of because how else would they be in their Pokeballs already?
Shaking her head, Jessie looked at James. "We need to get going," She said deciding to cut their losses as the only Pokemon they had left was James Magikarp. "Hopefully Meowth had better luck than us."
The ship began to rock pretty violently. "Jessie you don't think they'll try to sink the ship right?" James asked considering there were a lot of Grunts on this ship.
"Don't be stupid if they did then Team Rocket would lose a lot of members." Jessie scoffed but she couldn't hide the worry she felt.
Back on the deck, Ritchie, and a handful of trainers were actively fighting against the grunts while Steven alone was handling Executive Proton and around ten more grunts and their pokémon. The charismatic person on the stage had been replaced by the Steel-Master, as his Metagross, Skarmory, Aggron and Aegislash literally devastated through the Team Rocket crew and pokémon. Aggron alone was handling seven Houndoom, holding two of those fire-types by their heads and smashing them into each other. Skarmory on the other hand, was targeting the Magnemite in the air, her steel wings a little more than barely a blur in the air. Metagross was consistently firing powerful hyper beams at any pokémon or grunt he could find, while Aegislash was vanishing from one point to another, taking down one psi pokémon after another.
Only to be replaced by more and more pokémon to take up the mantle. Seriously how the hell were Team Rocket able to control and command so many pokémon at once? Steven was sure that he had at least incapacitated seventy pokémon in the last ten minutes, and yet more kept on coming.
"Did you seriously think that you could take over St. Anne?" Steven asked coldly, as Metagross raised a psychic shield to counter Proton's Houndoom who had thrown a flamethrower at him.
"Take over? You must be mistaken, Deputy Champion." Proton sneered. "This ship, this is a dead man's land. You are all going to die," he drawled out the last line before bringing out a whip and slashing it in Steven's direction. Strangely enough, it passed through Metagross's shields and lashed Steven on the knee, severing deep enough for the former Champion to yelp in pain.
"Like it?" Proton sneered. "Layered with the blood of dark types. Works wonders against psychic shields."
Metagross reared back to strike Proton but the Executive had already pulled back, throwing in a Drapion to lead the fight. He laughed as he glanced towards the incoming ships from all sides. "And now, Deputy Champion. Time to say your good bye."
Metagross however, was far from done yet. He slammed a powerful meteor mash onto the ship's deck, the shock waves enough to lift Proton off the floor, before a powerful psychic threw him off the deck.
"Thanks, Metagross." Steven replied, standing up despite the pain. "Must have severed a tendon. This is going to hurt real bad tomorrow."
He looked at the cruise all around, especially towards the part that had just blown up. "If there is a tomorrow, that is."



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