Chapter no.144 Hopelessness (Patreon)
" Where the hell is Lance?" Cynthia screamed, as she leapt to the side, just in time to avoid a poison-sting attack from an enraged Drapion. Garchomp swung past her, slashing the poison-type with his fin, before throwing a dragon pulse right on its face, as the dragon held Cynthia in his arms and leapt off the ground, arriving right in time to deflect a shadow ball that would have hit Steven from the right.
"Thanks." Steven breathed, his knee still hurt and bleeding like hell. The man looked like he had suddenly aged by ten years, as he dodged another burst of lightning from an attacking Magnemite before Skarmory banished with one of her countless steel wings.
"Did Lance send any message?" Cynthia asked, directing Garchomp to help Skarmory and Metagross.
"Not yet. Lance and the Ace Team are unresponsive, and off the grid. Besides, the psychic barrier is preventing all kinds of communication." Steven replied, his voice hoarse.
"Are you ready to finally surrender, Steven Stone?" Proton, who had a cut right across his face, snarled at him.
"You wish." Steven shot back.
Proton laughed aloud. A cold, cruel laugh filled with refined cruelty. "Your Champion has been dealt with. Lance, cannot come for anyone's help."
Steven's eyebrows widened. "You lie!"
"Do I?" Proton sneered. "Very well. I suppose if my words cannot convince you, see for yourself, the sight of your own annihilation." He brazenly pointed high up in the night sky, as the Elite trainers followed his direction.
There, levitating in the night sky, was a humanoid creature, with his bulb-like tail waving softly in the night breeze. Despite the shadow, Steven could make out the shroud of armour all around the entity, as it watched the ship from its vantage point.
"The armoured pokémon." Steven breathed with raw desperation, fear and helplessness. Did Lance… did this pokémon kill Lance?
The shock of seeing the armoured creature gave Proton the opening he wanted. Swirling his whip, he lashed out towards Cynthia, aiming to decapitate her, only for a sudden blur to push her aside, as the whip stuck flesh, making the interrupting entity fall down on the ground, groaning in agony. The part where the whip had struck him had literally scorched his flesh.
Petrel had randomly sent Austin to the deck above where he suddenly saw one of friends being attacked.
There was no time to think.
There was no time to plan something out.
With pikachu missing and the rest of his Pokemon missing Austin's body threw itself to save a friend.
Maybe he instinctively knew that if he saved Cynthia then everyone would have a better chance of survival Or maybe he instinctively threw himself for a friend he cherished.
"Ash!" Cynthia screamed, recognizing who had just saved her life. "Garchomp!" She snarled, but no command was needed. Proton was still grinning devilishly, before his grin faltered, as a thin line of blood was visible on his neck, which then fell off, rolling on the floor, as his body stood lifeless, before joining its fallen part. Both Cynthia and Steven were too shocked to notice what had happened, though Metagross's eyes glowed a soft blue before turning pitch dark like always.
"Shiro…." Austin coughed, as Cynthia tried to get him up. His leg was bleeding, as were the countless injuries on his person. If nothing was done, he would die. However, maybe it was his aura or he was lucky that he retained his capacity to think and make judgements, ignoring the pain of his scarred and scorched limbs.
"Ash, why did you-?" Cynthia all but shouted.
"You are….. " Austin coughed, before somehow managing to stand up, leaning on her, before looking up, as his face went pale. Somehow, in the depths of his mind, he knew who it was he was staring at.
" You seem to know me but how ?!... Intriguing , your aura , your spirit still shines, brighter than everyone even my partner.Who are you ? "
Austin spat out blood from his mouth.
Cynthia's Garchomp however, had other ideas. The draconic creature let out a howl, gathering an immense amount of draconic energy into its maw before releasing it all in the form of an orange mass, one that would reach high up in the air before releasing its most devastating attack.
Draco Meteor
Mewtwo watched with curiosity as the orange blob shot higher and higher into the atmosphere, before slowing down, before it finally settled in the air, hovering for a while, as it changed color into one of blazing silver, as it fractured into several blobs, one that looked like tiny meteors, which were projected towards Mewtwo. With a lazy thought, Mewtwo simply redirected the attack down towards the water, taking out a couple of Team Rocket submarines as well.
They were after all, inferior, pathetic. Worms in the face of the superior species.
" Draco meteor. Interesting attack." Mewtwo's voice, amplified exponentially spoke to them. After all, when the Lord speaks, everyone must be given the chance to listen.
" I believe I am an attentive student. Let us see how good I learnt that attack."
His lips twisted into a tiny smirk, as he channelled his assimilated power, one that he had slowly, diligently, gathered within him over the past couple of months, shaping them into draconic energy, as he recreated a vast orange globule in the sky, at least a hundred times larger than Garchomp's had been. Then, he allowed the orange blob to slowly levitate up in the sky, go higher and higher, before it stopped.
Then, it slowly morphed into a silvery white color, its light enveloping the moon in sheer intensity.
" I love this part about meteors. The purity of them, Boom, the end… start again. The world made clean for the new man… to rebuild."
The brimming vortex of draconic energy then burst open with a single explosion, as countless Draco meteors shone in the night sky, ready to fall upon the St. Anne, and send it to its doom.
Austin stood on the deck, his arms somehow on Cynthia's shoulders for support, his eyes gazing in untold horror as he witnessed hundreds of Draco meteors high up in the sky, almost at the verge of finishing their trajectory upwards before they would fall down onto the St. Anne.
No one, no one will be able to stand against that much power.
No one.
Austin out of everyone in the world knew just how powerful Mewtwo was.
Austin had a bitter look on his face as he gazed to his belt.
Pikachu and everyone else was missing.
Raticate had been critically injured and poisoned.
His friends had met with Executive petrel .
Everything seemed hopeless as Austin tried to think of something.
Something that could save them.
After being saved by Blue Oak from Petrel everyone made it out .
" We are not leaving without Ash! " Brock exclaimed as they made it to the decks and there were on some of the remaining lifeboats.
He already forced Gold and Kris on one Life Boat having them take Yellow seeing an unconscious Rudy on it knowing that they would meet up with them in the nearby island Porta Vista and Misty was with him having found her Starmie while they were running.
" Don't worry I have a friend on the ship with an Alakazam, he will find Ash ." Blue lied as he knew he had to save them and these kids were too stubborn to see the situation they were in as he carried an unconscious Nyx along with Green and Gary.
' I am sorry Red but I can't save everyone.' Blue bitterly thought as he wanted to save Ash but the aura of a legendary Pokémon made him think otherwise as he had to see his son safe and sound.
The two of them piling into the lifeboat with Green jumping in after them, placing Nyx in the ship before Brock let the boat fall.
"Staryu! Goldeen! Starmie come on out." Misty said sending her water Pokemon out to help push the Lifeboat, along with Gary's Wartortle.
As they escaped the sinking ST. Anne, Blue turned back towards it his eyes burning with anger.
Just how many people died because of this?
Team Rocket will pay.