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[ Birth Island Pokémon Center ]
The origins of the beautiful land, Hoenn are shrouded in the very depths of the amazing powers and mysteries associated with the very Legendaries whose presence has blessed the region for eons. In fact, its origins are very closely tied with the Sinnoh mainland north of Hoenn, a region which shares with our own, its diversity, history and myths.
Legends say that eons ago, there was a cataclysmic battle between the Groudon, the Lord of the land, and Kyogre, the lady of the seas. Some scriptures say that Kyogre could call upon the rain at will, and create the beautiful sea that now surrounds Hoenn, while Groudon, woken up from its slumber, called upon the sun, heated the earth, expanded it to create the continent on which we live and love.
It is believed that Groudon and Kyogre, being manifestations of opposing forces, are always at a state of war with each other. During their last battle, Groudon and Kyogre underwent a massive change-the reason for which is merely speculation at this point—to transform into their Primal selves. Primal Groudon, and Primal Kyogre.
The cataclysmic battle that raged was almost about to obliterate the entire world, before the third and the balancing segment of Hoenn's Weather trio, the legendary sky-high dragon known as Rayquaza, whose abode is supposed to be somewhere in the ionosphere, came down to end the clash.
It is not exactly known how long the battle between them lasted, but at the end of it, Rayquaza was able to stop them both, sending both Groudon and Kyogre into slumber inside a cavern, now famous as the Cave of Origin. The location of the cave is a matter of speculation, though researchers and archaeologists have yet to figure out any specific clues to that end.
"I see that the book has pretty much captured your interest."
Covered in bandages Austin looked up from the book in hand. He had gotten the rather old, somewhat ragged copy of an old edition of Hoenn: Myths and Legends, from the Pokémon center. Even though he knew many things about the legendary Pokemon, it was interesting to see the depictions of the legendary Pokémon in this world , it was similar to the mythos in his world .
Considering that his wounds were still hurting from the fact that Pikachu had attacked him, Nurse Joy had instructed him to stay inside the center for the day. With the pain, it hadn't taken too much for Austin to agree with that sentiment.
"Yeah, it's an interesting book ." Austin chuckled, glancing at the smile on the nurse's face. He paused, looking at the patched-up book in his hand, "however, I never knew that there were books on legendary pokémon as well."
The woman's lips twisted into something that was almost but not quite a smile. "Legends and legendary pokémon incite varying reactions from people to people. Considering that most people haven't ever seen a legendary pokémon, apart from some pictograms in the ruins, or perhaps some artistic representation of how these myths looked like, it is not a surprise."
"So you are telling me that people don't believe that they exist?" He asked.
"Some. For others, they are simply part of the culture and traditions that they have chosen to accept. The Weather trio, for instance, is only depicted in old books, via pictograms or perhaps, in some of the excavations around Hoenn. It's not like someone out there is going to capture a legendary pokémon and put it to battle at the Ever Grande conference." The nurse laughed at the clearly preposterous situation.
"Yeah," Austin chuckled mirthlessly as his mind went toward tobias. "That would be pretty funny."
" So I checked the video tapes , it seemed that an unknown Pokémon had attached itself to your head while you were sleeping and pikachu had attacked the Pokémon who teleported away causing Pikachu's attack to land on you."
Austin chuckled as he looked at Pikachu who was standing like a guard outside his room.
" Buddy , do you want to come inside ?"
" Pika , Pi ."
"I will… leave you to that book. Duty calls." The nurse chirped, once again making Austin wonder how… diverse this Nurse Joy's reactions were. He wasn't the expert but he felt like the Nurse Joy had a wider range of temperaments than Hoenn had legends and mysteries. Deciding not to ponder over the subject, he looked down at the book again, turning over the page as he continued to read.
It is believed that the aftermath of the battle created three separate landmasses, which were then joined together by Regigigas, the Lord of Regi Trio or the legendary titans, as they are known.
Legends say that after joining the three landmasses that formed our Hoenn, Regigigas created three pokémon in his own image, bestowing upon them control over only a specific element. The first was Regirock, the titan of rocks. The next, Registeel, had absolute dominance over steel, and finally, Regice, the titan of ice. For reasons unknown, after the creation of the Regi trio, Regigigas entered a state of eternal slumber in Sinnoh, a location where the Snow Point Temple now stands. It is believed that the Regi trio are the keys to break Regigigas out of slumber, though for whatever reasons… the Regi trio were never spotted in Sinnoh.
Austin smiled as he looked at the pictures of murals and ancient statues .
There goes a specific legend which states that because of their… inferior status as a legendary, the Regi trio were in fact, able to create multiple selves of their own. Researchers agree that the process must have been through budding, as happens with the pseudo-legendary Metagross, a pokémon native to Hoenn.
" Wow ." Austin's eyes widened as he read that but his body froze as heard something.
[ Turn the page ]
Austin's mind blanked for a few seconds as he saw the pink tapir like Pokémon floating down towards his bedsheets.
[ Turn the page ]
Austin blinked a few times as he recognized the Pokémon from the Unova Pokedex that he had looked up before he started watching the black and white anime.
[ Turn the page ]
Munna cutely asked Austin as she pushed his hand with her small stub like feet.
" Am I hallucinating?"
[ What's hallucinating? ]
Austin looked at Munna as he said ," Did you just talk to me ?"
[ Munna likes the book , turn the page ]
Austin blinked a few more times as he subconsciously turned the page causing Munna to look at the murals dedicated towards the legendary Pokémon.
" Ahem , Munna where is your trainer ?" Austin exclaimed as he got over his shock at seeing the Unovaian Dream Eater.
Munna happily jumped and floated as she telepathically answered .
[ You are my trainer .]
" What ?!"



Smiling Reader

So how are you gonna handle legendary pokemon reproduction? I know Lugia, Rayquaza, Deoxys, and a few other legendary's can reproduce.