Chapter no.262 Battle Chateau of Fuchsia City part 3 (Patreon)
Austin and the others watched as a Pokemon the looked similar to Bulbasaur appeared. It was a little larger than one and was a darker shade of blue. Instead of a bulb on its back, it had bloomed into a bud.
"An Ivysaur…" Yellow muttered as she pulled out her pokedex.
"Ivysaur, the seed Pokemon and the evolved form of Bulbasaur. Exposure to sunlight adds to its strength and makes the bud on its back grow larger," the pokedex spoke.
Yellow hoped that Chu Chu could stand up to the challenge.
"Ha, you think you can defeat me with that!" Drew taunted Yellow but didn't get much from Yellow.
" She acts just like you." Luacrio commented.
" Elaborate."
" Really now, you can't be that dense. That maiden of yours mimics your battling style to an almost scary degree."
" She isn't my maiden." Austin replied back while his eyes never left the battlefield.
" Could have fooled me ?"
" In your age, I am sure there are alot of things that could fool you."
"This match will have no time limit! Begin!" the judge shouted.
"Thundershock!" Yellow shouted.
Pichu rubbed her cheeks, as it released a wave of electricity that hit Ivysaur dead on, causing it to yell.
"Shake it off, Ivysaur, and use Vine Whip!" Drew called.
Ivysaur then shot out its vines and flung them at Chu-Chu. Chu-Chu panicked and tried to run out of the way, but the vines followed it and grabbed it. Chu-Chu was then lifted off of the ground and into the air.
" Pi, Pichu !"
"Now that you have control of it, you know what to do, Ivysaur!" Drew told it.
Ivysaur then began to slam Chu-Chu onto the ground with its vines but due to her small size Chu-Chu was able to escape.
"Thunder punch!" Yellow called to Chu-Chu
Pichu then shot towards Ivysaur with her small paws glowing with electricity, but Ivysaur was ready this time and jumped out of the way despite the speed the mouse Pokemon. It then continued to slam Chu-Chu into the ground with a vine whip.
"This isn't good if Ivysaur's quick enough to get out of the way," Yellow thought. She then noticed how the vines were attached to Ivysaur and had an idea.
"Thunderbolt on the vines !" Yellow called.
"Oh no! Ivysaur, throw Pichu away from you!" Drew cried.
Ivysaur swung its vines around and threw Chu-Chu through the air, but not before Chu-Chu was able to light Ivysaur's vines on fire with Thunderbolt. The fire traveled along the vines until they got to Ivysaur where it began to get burned.
Chu-Chu was able to land on its feet despite the powerful throw. It was still showing signs of fatigue, however. Meanwhile, Ivysaur had withdrawn it vines back into itself to stop the fire.
"Use Sweet Scent, Ivysaur," Drew called.
Ivysaur then released an aroma from its bud that drifted toward Chu-Chu. Chu-Chu breathed in the smell and got a relaxed look on its face. It felt so peaceful.
"Try to snap out of it!" Yellow yelled as was going to use her powers on Chu-Chu but stopped herself.
It wasn't fair.
What good would that win be if she took the shortway out ?
Chu-Chu didn't seem to hear Yellow as it continued to have a peaceful smile on its face.
"Use Leech Seed now that Pichu's distracted!" Drew called
Ivysaur then launched a seed from its bud straight at Chu-Chu. Chu-Chu wasn't paying it any attention though because of the Sweet Scent. The seed landed on Chu-Chu as vines began to cover it.
This broke Chu-Chu out of its trance, and it began to struggle. "Piiiiii!" it cried in pain as its energy began to get sapped from it.
"Looks like someone got better," Austin commented from the side wirh Pikachu nodded in agreement meanwhile Lucario didn't even bother asking as he looked down.
Ditto was slowly peeking from the edge hoping that no one would see him.
"Let's win this with Take Down, Ivysaur!" Leaf called.
Ivysaur began to charge forward straight at Chu-Chu. The Mouse Pokemon wasn't able to move very well because it was trapped within the Leech Seed. It wouldn't be able to get out of the way in time. Yellow looked on with worry as she knew Chu-Chu was in big trouble if it was hit with another attack. There had to be something she could do.
"Use Shockwave !" she called.
Chu-Chu cheek pouches glowed before she released a large amount of electricity in an omnidirectional wave. The power of attack also incinerated the vines from Leach Seed and sailed towards Ivysaur. The seed Pokemon had just been about to crash into Chu-Chu when Yellow had ordered the attack so it received the shockwave at point blank range.
Ivysaur yelled in pain as it was scorched by the heat of the electricity. The Mouse Pokemon jumped away from Ivysaur and began to pant heavily. Yellow had hoped that was enough to take Ivysaur down. What she wasn't counting on was for Ivysaur's special ability, Overgrow, to take effect, too. Ivysaur's eyes seemed to get a certain fire in them as its plants seemed to grow larger.
Yellow became worried as she knew, Ivysaur's grass-type moves just got a lot more powerful. Things just got a lot worse than they already were.
"Alright! Now that your special ability has activated also, use Razor Leaf!" Drew called.
"Shockwave!" Yellow yelled.
The seed Pokemon then began to shoot a humongous stream of sharp leaves at Chu-Chu who reciprocated by unleashing a high voltage released of electricity.
"I don't think this is getting us anywhere. They are evenly matched. I better have Chu-Chu land a direct hit while I can!
Yellow thought.
She then called out, "Thunderbolt!"
Drew must have been thinking along the same lines as she ordered her Ivysaur use its strongest attack so far, Petal Dance.
A flurry of large, glowing leaves shot from the plant on Ivysaur while Chu-Chu shot a thunderbolt.
The attacks soared through the air and connected with each other midway, creating a large explosion. The force of the blast threw each Pokemon backwards as the smoke engulfed them. Pretty soon, the smoke had covered the whole center of the battle hall where the Pokemon were.
Everyone in the room waited intently for the smoke to clear, especially Drew and Yelloq. They knew that their Pokemon were at the end of their ropes and wondered if they had made it through the explosion. After what seemed like and eternity, but really about thirty seconds, the smoke had cleared.
Both Ivysaur and Chu-Chu were standing and glaring hard at each other. Each trainer sighed that they had to battle even longer. Then, without warning, Drew's Ivysaur collapsed to the ground in defeat. Everyone stared in shock for moment.
"Ivysaur is unable to battle! The winner is Pichu, and the one who will be ascending in rank today shall be Yellow for winning the tournament!" the judge called.
Yellow stood in shock for a moment. She had actually done it. She had really just won her first Battle Chateau tournament. Maybe she really was capable of being a trainer, after all!
"Way to go, Chu-Chu!" Serena cried as she sprinted towards her Pokemon. She then knelt down. "You were great!" she praised.
Chu-Chu gave a tired smile before it fell over in exhaustion as well. Serena smiled sympathetically and picked her Pokemon up in her arms.
[ Omake Paragraph ]
Shellder are a pokemon which seldom move, carry their homes with them, and their round, black bodies are easily mistaken for a life lived in literal darkness. This has made them the perfect metaphor for the pokemon world's hikikomori community, and indeed among these shut-ins and the message boards they frequent, the name "human shellder" has become a common term of reference.
Furthermore, Shellder are a pokemon which require little care. Provided they have an ample supply of food and a water tank to remain in, they are easier to care for and longer-lived than most fish, and indeed than most grass pokemon as well. They are, however, extremely unresponsive to human contact, and paradoxically will only truly bond with the most asocial of trainers.
When a hikikomori (or indeed anyone who has truly bonded with their Shellder) dies in their home – of suicide or drug overdose or wasting away or even old age – the Shellder will die as well. Some say it is the Shellder's death which kills the trainer and not the other way around, although this is not commonly believed; it is difficult to determine, as hermits and Shellder have similar lifespans. When this happens, the Shellder's spirit will float out of its body and turn into a Gastly. Once transformed, it will protect the peace of its trainer's soul by scaring away all intruders until it is captured or the room exorcised.