Adara, the Spartan (January Tribal) (Patreon)
Here it is our second figure from the Tribal Series, we bring you "Adara, the Spartan", she's ready to defend our 300 Dinos and also the rest of our crew.
Now Adara has an extra version with a normal sword (non-fiery) ! (2nd image)
What she lacks in "Exotic" (if you really think she is missing something) she more than makes up for it in battle.
Tribal Series is released as a test so we can still have female humans during monster season and will continue as long as we don't release humans if the feedback is positive, so let us know how you feel about them!
Tribals are separated from Exotics so we hope you like them both aswell as our main release, this time being ... Minotaurs ;)
As we have seen that many of you are opting to scale some of our miniatures to 150% or even to 200% we have made sure that our models have enough detail so that they can look awesome in larger sizes for display purposes. Hope you guys enjoy your printing!