(Public) June 2021 - Monthly Release (Genasi) (Patreon)
Summer Season
June - Genasi
This month's pack contains:
- HERO: (Hero) Tempest, the Stormborn
- CHARACTERS: 4 Different Genasi (Water Druid, Air Ranger, Earth Cleric and Fire Artificer)
- ANIMAL: Druid Companion/Form (Bear)
- ELEMENTALS: 4 Elemental Types (Fire, Earth, Air and Water)
- EXOTIC: (Exotic) Ember, the Firestarter (+NSFW Version)
- BUST: (Bust) Tempest, the Stormborn (+Anatomical Version)
- CROSSOVER: (Twin Goddess) Genasi Mage (Fire) and Inuit Wizard (Ice)
- THROWBACK: (November 2020) Selena, the Puppet Master and her Dragon Whelps (+ Scenery)
Set of (4) Themed Bases (Water (25/50), Air, Earth and Fire)
Set of (9) Modular Weapons:
- Female: Dagger and Air Dagger.
- Male: Fist, Claw, Water Claw, Elemental Blade, Maul, Hand and Fire.
First Message :
Hello everyone!Thank you for staying aboard with us during June!
We highly appreciate all your trust and support ^_^
We're finally ready to present our very first Genasi!
The (Water) Genasi Druid and his bear.
Remember that this month we'll include our second Bust, our recently added Throwback model, our usual Crossover minis and we'll also keep the release Modular, same as we did last months.
Also remember that June is the first month of our Summer Season and that if you join us now and decide to stay aboard during the whole season (June -> July -> August) you'll receive our next Summer Loyalty Reward for free and you'll be able to participate in our next Summer Painting Contest (August 15th).
We wanted to remember you that our current Spring Painting Contest is open until June 15h and that if you were aboard during our last season you have great chances of receiving one of the prizes if you decide to participate, so don't hesitate to post any of our eligible painted minis. There are still 2 weeks left to submit your entry!
Thanks a lot for helping us start June as strong as possible, for the trust and support you are depositing in us, we have a lot of new content and ideas to be released during the next months and we're really close to our 1-year anniversary. We love to have you aboard!
(Water) Genasi Druid :
Here you have our first (Water) Genasi, the Druid!
This Water Genasi was born on a lonely island where civilization wasn't very advanced and the tribes controlled the small villages that were there, constantly fighting over territory and resources.
Despite the constant battles he was always more interested in the animals that lived there than in human affairs.
The members of his tribe were always divided as to how to treat him, some were fascinated by his powers and tried to win his friendship, others wanted to use him as a weapon to win the battles against the enemy tribes and the rest were so scared of his elemental nature that avoided even looking at him.
Soon that island became too small for him and his desire to meet new and different ways of life led him to swim to neighboring islands where he lived exciting adventures and discovered new species of creatures, always returning to his home after a while.
But his interest in knowing more about the world and its animal inhabitants kept growing and when the members of his tribe tried to force him to use his powers to atack other tribe by surprise he left during the night never to return.
Since then he has discovered countless curious (and often dangerous) creatures on his avdentures and has been seen in numerous places accompanied by a large bear that seems to be made of water always by his side, if that bear is just his companion or a part of him ... is something we do not know.
(Hero) Tempest, the Stormborn :
It's time for our Genasi Hero ... Tempest, the Stormborn !
Tempest was born from the union of a Tiefling and another Genasi, his father who was a great Tiefling monk died on the battlefield when he was still very young, but before that he made sure to instill in his son the pride that came with being a Planetouched and to pass on him his strength and values.
His mother had the similar experience of growing without a father. Her father that was a powerful Djinn never really cared about her when and after seeing that she didn't show a great elemental bonding he returned to the elemental plane from which he came and completely forgot about his fleeting adventures in the human world.
With her father gone she grew up in a completely human home with her mother and her new husband where no one understood her elemental origins and she promised herself that her son would not have a banal and ordinary human childhood like hers, she knew that her son was destined for greatness and she was going to do everything in her hands to make it possible.
Since she was little, although her powers were not too remarkable (or maybe exactly because of that), she was always interested in her origins and learned everything she could about the other planes and their mysteries. She became a renowned historian specialized in the elemental planes and Genasi history, and all of that she transmitted to Tempest since he was born.
Tempest grew up being a proud Genasi and manifesting his powers from a very young age, and thanks to his father strength and values, to all the encourgament and information transmitted by his mother and the many hours of training, he ended up becoming a very powerful warrior.
During his training, thanks to all the hard work and the latent powers of his maternal ancestry, Tempest manifested samples of different elements that he managed to dominate and control at will, increasing his power considerably.
Despite having a good heart and always being honorable and considerate with everyone he encountered ... his big size, non-human appearance, elemental powers and his unstable nature prevented him from bonding with anyone other than his mother. Although he had human friends, loved to feel acclaimed by the public and gave great importance to his reputation and what others thought of him, he never got to really mix with humans, he knew that he was a step (or two) above them.
After her mother passed away, he spent several years travelling around the human world as a nomad, proving his worth and participating in numerous tournaments and combat arenas where he remain undefeated and when all that ceased to interest him because it just became "too simple", he retired to the mountains where he continues his training.
(Exotic) Ember, the Firestarter :
We present to you "Ember", our June release Exotic.
Since she was very little, Ember always had problems relating to others, her temperamental nature, her eccentric personality and her lack of discipline when using her powers made it very difficult to make friends (without burning them).
As she grew older, her powers and her ability to control them (when she wanted to control them) increased dramatically (more her powers than the ability to control them) and Ember became a notorious criminal with a very bad reputation in her city.
And the fact that she had Genasi blood and a very advanced dominion of fire spells only served to make her considered herself superior to almost everyone else of the city. Fires in the wealthiest neighborhoods happened on a daily basis and this is how she earned gher nickname, the Firestarter.
When the "Wanted" signs began to appear all over the streets of the city with her face (always smiling) on them it only served to increase her already excessive ego.
But Ember took the increase of security in the streets not as a risk but as a conquest and she took that opportunity to change of scenery and grow her reputation on a larger scale.
Since then, both her bounty and her powers have only increased and Ember is on the most wanted criminals list for the entire country.
As the saying goes ... if you play with fire, you'll end up getting burned, and another thing that can also happen ... is that what end up getting burn ... are your clothes.
As always, our Exotic figure includes an extra NSFW version.
(Air) Genasi Ranger :
It's time for our next (Air) Genasi ... the Ranger!
This Air Genasi used to work with a group of bandits who took advantage of her and forced her tu use their powers to assault travellers and merchants while travelling from city to city.
Her companions always told her lies to justify those assaults and told her that the victims were rich bankers, greedy merchants and bad people of all kinds.
It wasn't until one particular incident when her companions savagely attacked a group of carnies who were traveling with all their belongings and families that she understood that what she had been doing until then was wrong.
When one of the fathers knocked out one of the bandits after hitting him in the head with a stick in an attempt to defend her wife and daugther everyting scalated into a full bloodbath ...
The bandits started killing everyone at sight, and kidnapped the remaining survivors, most of them women and children. It was then that she decided to leave her past life behind, escorted a group of families out of there and helped them escape the massacre.
That same night she returned to the camp of his former companions and wiped out each and every one of them while they were either drunk or asleep, rescued the remaining victims and returned them all their belongings.
Since that night she lives alone in the woods and from time to time visit a city to earn a living as a bodyguard, escorting travellers to their destinations.
(Earth) Genasi Cleric :
It's time for our (Earth) Genasi ... the Cleric!
This earth Genasi was raised in the faith with strict discipline, since very young he was trained relentlessly in both the use of divine magic and close combat fighting.
Thanks to his privileged physique and his amazing, "almost" rock-like musculature, "slightly" above average he always excelled in his training sessions and thanks to the unbreakable faith transmitted by his parents, his spells never wavered.
If to all this we add his Genasi blood and his amazing Earth elemental powers that he mastered and perfected from the beginning of his training, it's no surprise that he was accepted into the army as soon as possible where he rose in ranks almost immediately. After some years he ended up becoming the youngest captain of all history.
There was no battle from which he didn't return victorious, his rise was meteoric and it was full of praises and honorable mentions.
His stoicism and strength made him not only a high ranking officer in the army but also a great leader, loved and respected by both his own men and his superiors, and probably not loved, but certainly respected and feared in equal parts by his enemies.
Despite his undeniable qualities, his rank hasn't changed for a long time as he continues to reject promotions to always stay in the frontline with his men.
There were countless times in battle where thanks to his presence and actions, where he doesn't hesitated to endanger his own life to protect his men, he has gotten them out of a lot of trouble.
His unit is currently the most prestigious and feared of all and there's no one to disobey or even question his orders, even if they're directed to a superior officer.
(Fire) Genasi Artificer :
Finally ... our last (Fire) Genasi ... the Artificer!
When you enjoy creating all kind of crazy stuff, experimenting with exotic ingredients to create new and dangerous potions (you never know what a potion can do until you try it) and also imbuying every object you have (because everything is better with magic) ... having control over fire magic always is a good thing to have in your repertoire.
The problem comes when you work with highly volatile materials and things get even riskier when being careful is not exactly your strong suit. If you get what I mean ... things tend to explode around here.
Good thing is that you can always learn from your mistakes (if you manage to survive the explosion) and use your newly acquired information to create new and more even dangerous (obviously) ... yes, you got it right ... explosives.
June Final Message :
Our June (Genasi) release is now complete!
Next month we'll do Dragonborns and we'll also be celebrating our 1-Year Anniversary since we (Elisa and Daniel) started this awesome journey and created Bite the Bullet.
Remember that you can now find ALL files in your MyMiniFactory Library.
Note: If you just joined and don't want to wait a single day, you can get the files from our June Download Post but if you are not in a rush you'll receive the MMF redeem email in the next 24h.
If you were new here, you should have received an email from MMF grating you access.
Were you a Patron and can't find the files? Check your MMF Shared Library
Did you miss it? You can still get this models in our My Mini Factory Store