1-year Anniversary! (and Surprises) (Patreon)
First of all, we want to tell you how much we appreciate all the support you guys have showed us during this first year of Bite the Bullet.
As most of you already know, in Bite the Bullet is a project created by us (Elisa and Daniel) that started from zero in July 2020.
Elisa had been working as freelance for several great mini companies in the past but with the start of the pandemic she made her move and decided to start her own project.
This is how Bite the Bullet was created, no previous Kickstarters, no campaigns, nothing ... we just went for it.
We decided to start with a small Starter Pack (including our beloved "Frida, the Merchant Alpaca") and for July ... some Pirates, because who doesn't like pirates (the sea ones ¬¬) and our fisherman (we hooked some of our first patrons thanks to him ^_^), we ended the month with 35 patrons which coming from absolute 0 ... wasn't bad at all!
Then, for August, we moved into a pirate Blacksmith set (as you can see we weren't too sure about where to steer the Patreon so we just went with the wind and the flow), that month we reached 47 patrons and our Discord started becoming alive with some crazy backstories about how "Andre" (our Blacksmith) lost his arm and/or his leg.
And .. hey! 34 of you are still here! A full year, uh?!
You have been here since the beginning, you have seen it all and you're amazing!
We then released our first Loyalty Reward, "Twilight, the Ancient Dragon" so those of you who have it ... he's rare! You guys are the true OGs!
After that we moved into what was our first 3-month Season (Autumn 2020), in September we started "The Cult of the Ancients", adding lore, Illithids/Mindflayers, one ancient artifact, the appearance of an old god and also, our first Exotic to the mix.
That release and with the appearance of "Dolores", leader of the warriors and our "first hit?" until then, that month we grew to 130 patrons and during the next 2 months we finished our first season full of eyes and tentacles!
We reached 300 patrons and created an exclusive "$9 Toothless Dino Tier" for all of you to move and save some pledge money as a way of thanking them for their early support.
Those slots are pretty much sold out but if you're really lucky you still can get one of them from time to time.
Then we let all of you help us steer the Patreon thanks to our Season Theme Polls.
Since then we have done 3 full seasons, moved to Modular releases, started doing Crossovers with fellow creators, releasing Throwback minis from previous months, step-by-step Painting Guides, doing seasonal Painting Contests with big prizes and releasing Busts ... among a lot of other stuff.
And the good thing is we still have plenty of new ideas for the future.
Now we're back in July and after 12 months we almost reached 1000 patrons!
And we couldn't be happier with our growth and even above that ... with our community!
We can imagine that the ones who have been here since the early months have seen a notable improvement in both the quality of Releases and Miniatures.
If you joined back there and are still here we can assume that you're enjoying your time aboard with us (we're really happy to have you around) and for those who just joined in the last months thank you as well for making us increase the size of our crew and for helping us continue with our dream project ... Bite the Bullet.
Both of us (Elisa and Daniel) want to express again how HUGE it's for us that we have reached this milestone.
We feel very optimistic about this project and are very proud of our community.
We have the results of our Summer Season Poll.
- June: Genasi
- July: Dragonborns
- August: ? (Surprise BTB Choice)
We hope you enjoyed our Genasi last month and now it's time for Dragonborns!
Next month we'll publish our Autumn Season Poll for you to vote the themes for the next season and we'll release the first BTB Choice month which is still a surprise.
As you know, in Bite the Bullet there's a special Loyalty Figure every 3 months, this means that those of you who support us during an entire season get the mini for Free.
Summer Season : June -> July -> August = FREE LOYALTY FIGURE !
But, as a way to celebrate our Anniversary, and because we know that joining in the middle of a season sucks .... this season only, everyone who join during July (and stays aboard in August) we'll also get the mini for Free.
That is, right now, everyone who support us ($9+) on Patreon will be qualified to get the next Loyalty Figure for Free if you decide to stay aboard during next month.
Summer Season : July -> August = FREE LOYALTY FIGURE !
First Loytaly: "Twilight, the Ancient Dragon"
2020 Autumn: "Victoria, the Beast Hunter"
2021 Winter: "Ed, Edd and Eli, the Crazy Mojos"
2021 Spring: "Circe, the Black Scavenger"
2021 Summer: Next!
Our anniversary gift also extends to the next Summer Painting Contest, the rules will be pretty much the same as our last Spring Painting Contest, but this time ...
Everyone who join during July will be able to participate in the contest.
Summer Season : July -> August = ACCESS TO THE PAINTING CONTEST !
Summer Painting Contest will be held from September 15th to September 30th and all models from our June, July and August releases and also our past Spring Loyalty Reward (Circe) will be eligible.
You can start working on your entries!
To continue with the gifts and because as we said above we know that a lot of you didn't joined in our first months (before September) because we were practically a Ghost Patreon ...
We want to announce the increase our Starter Pack with the addition of what we're going to call, the Legacy Pack, our 2 first months ... July and August.
We know that a lot of you found annoying having to download what looked like an infinite amount of Zip files (there was 17 in fact, but definitely too much) from our Download Post (Patreon file size limitations is a pain).
So, starting this month we'll upload all models progressively to your MyMiniFactory Library in a single Zip.
If you were a Patron in the past you should have access to the files automatically.
But if this is your first month here (or you use a different email in Patreon and MMF) ... in order to do this I'll grant you access to the files manually by sending you a redeem email from MMF as soon you join the Patreon (it might take 24/48h).
Once you click the redeem link it that you'll get access to a single Zip that will be increasing everytime that we release a new character.
If you're in a rush to print them you can always get them from our July Download Post as usual but starting now we'll also upload them to MMF.
Even if this isn't perfect it should mean a considerate quality of life improvement when it comes to downloading the files.
Now that you have the Starter Pack, the Legacy Pack (our 2 first month) and July (the current month) ... if you are carving for more old BTB content ...
You'll always have your 40% Patron Discount for all our models at MyMiniFactory.
BUT ... from July 15th to July 25th it's going to be your best chance to get any of our past releases.
Because we're having a Big Anniversary Sale at MyMiniFactory where all our store is going to be at 50%!
Take a look at our MMF Store, add all those minis you where thinking of buying to the cart and when the time comes ... go for it!
We hope you liked all these surprises, that you like the dragonborn this month and without further ado ... let's go for our second year!
Elisa and Daniel,
Bite the Bullet.