Lilith, the Double-Edged (July Exotic) (+ Cursed Version) (Patreon)
We present to you "Lilith", our July release Exotic.
(Backstory Part 1)
Lillith's story was a story like any other, a complicated life like so many others because of poverty, but with nothing out of the ordinary.
She and her husband had been struggling for 5 years in a very humble one-room house on the outskirts of the city, in a rather dangerous neighborhood, along with their little son.
Lillith had always wanted a daughter, but they barely had the money to feed their son and to eat something themselves, having a second child was not an option.
For this reason and due to the hardships that she went through daily in her job as a fishmonger where she earned very little money and the reason she always spent all day in clothes that reeked of fish, she was plunged into a deep depression and in an increasingly worse state of health.
One night like any other before, while working cleaning and serving drinks in the worst port tavern you can imagine, her husband found out about a job opportunity and tired of seeing Lillith so sad every night he decided to step forward and try to give his family a better life.
During the following months and thanks to her husband's new job, the day-to-day life of the family improved significantly and Lillith felt much better both physically and emotionally.
One day, when she arrived home, her husband told her to put on her best clothes and to accompany him, together the 3 of them left the suburbs and walked along a beautiful street adorned with trees and flowers.
When they reached a certain house, her husband told them to stop and Lillith received the three best news she could imagine. The first was that she no longer had to continue working in the fish market, that salary was nothing compared to what her husband had and the truth is that she needed a break, the second was that they had finally managed to save enough to be able to leave that damn tiny house and they were going to move to the house they had stopped in front of, the third and most important was that it was finally the time to have that daughter that she wanted so much.
Lillith knew something wasn’t right, she knew that her husband's new work had allowed them to live much better in recent months and it was true that the fish market was horrible, but… living in that house and having a new mouth to feed?
Something wasn’t adding up, but Lillith was so happy that she didn’t care, she began to cry of happiness and she stopped thinking about it.
9 months later her daughter was born, healthy and without any problems, that was the best day of her life. Maybe they didn’t have everything like some of their neighbors, but they didn’t lack anything either, the truth is that she couldn’t be happier.
However, a few months later things started to go wrong, she didn’t know why, but her husband was very irascible, there were nights that he didn’t spend at home and when he arrived, he was bruised and beaten, and the worst of all was that it was impossible for her to talk with him about this.
As the weeks went by, things got worse and one of the many mornings in which her husband wasn’t at home, an older woman accompanied by two huge armed men knocked on her door and without waiting for an invitation they entered the house and told her to sit down.
That strange, disturbing-looking woman told her that her husband owed a lot of money to her family and that they were tired of asking him about the money, it was time for the whole family to know, this would be their last warning and they had less than a month to pay all that he owed.
Lillith had a really confused and scared look and one of those men made the decision that a good hit would help her focus on the matter at question, she fell from her chair and while still leaning on the floor, she heard the woman whisper to her with total clarity.
"If on the next full moon the debt hasn’t been paid, you will bring misfortune on your whole family. The day will turn to night and what you love the most will be your target."
Then, with a terrifying force that didn’t match her age at all, she grabbed her neck leaving her breathless and just before she lost consciousness, she whispered: "Your love will turn to hatred and with a burning fury you will descend on your loved ones."
When her husband came home and found her lying on the ground, he knew immediately what had happened and between the cries of their two children, he screamed and cursed himself in heartbreaking pain for his decisions.
The next morning, after telling her what he had been up to for the past year, about the debt, and hearing what had happened from Lillith, they both burst into tears.
They didn’t know what to do, sell the house and what little they had, of course, but with that they barely had half the money, they didn’t have more to get rid of and they didn’t know anyone who could help them, at least not with those amounts.
They could try to negotiate, but a single attempt in which her husband arrived home on the brink of death was enough to make them realize that this wasn’t going to happen.
If raising the money wasn’t an option and trying to reason with them so that they would accept two payments or a little more time wasn't either ... they had to flee, as unlikely and hard as it was ... it was their only option.
There were only 3 days left until the next full moon, that moon that Lillith stared at in terror as she grew every night, they gathered up what little they could carry and left without looking back.
That night they slept in the middle of the forest, the children were crying non-stop and they were on the verge of a heart attack, constantly watching in case someone approached searching for them, and always looking askance at that moon that was already almost full. Wild animals posed no danger compared to what those monsters would do to them if they found them.
The next day and without having slept at all, they continued to move away as much as they could from the city until at nightfall they found a small cabin at the foot of the mountains where a very old farmer that took care of his animals was kind enough to give them shelter.
They promised it would only be one night, but they were exhausted and the children couldn’t walk much more, that old man who had just lost his wife insisted that they stay as long as they needed, so they spent that last day until that damn moon that they had ended up hating was full together in the cabin.
It was a great day, although everyone was exhausted, they played with the animals, ate, drank and laughed, they even started to think that starting over in a remote place was a real option, a small one-room house would be more than enough if they had themselves, they could move on.
But that night, when the full moon illuminated the room where everyone slept curled up, tired but happy, Lillith woke up startled, with her eyes as wide and white as the moon and with an indescribable pain in her chest as if she had the actual heart on fire, she clutched her chest, it was unbearable.
Marks began to appear on her skin, she was getting dizzy, she got up and while everyone was still asleep, she went to the next room and took a knife, she was losing control, she couldn’t take it anymore, she was going to end everything.
With her eyes drenched in tears and her skin full of scales, Lillith gripped the knife tightly and squeezed it hard on her chest, everything went dark.
(Backstory Part 2)
Lilith opened her eyes again, she felt dizzy, something was wrong, she had stabbed herself with all her strength, but the tip of the knife was still there, resting on her chest, but without drawing a single drop of blood. She raised her arms and lowered the knife with all the force she could gather, straight to her heart.
At the very moment the knife should have pierced her body, the point stopped again, Lilith wasn’t sure if it was her who was stopping the knife or if it was that the blade somehow couldn’t pierce her skin, but that didn’t matter for long as she lost consciousness again.
When she woke up again, she realized that she was completely covered in blood, her heart accelerated, she didn’t know what had happened, she wasn’t able to remember anything, was that blood hers?
When she turned around, she saw the good man who had taken her and her family in and that was always smiling, but this time he didn’t have his usual affable and happy expression, he was curled up on the ground and was looking at her completely horrified and having terrible tremors.
Lilith opened her mouth to ask him if he was alright and if he knew what had happened, but the words didn’t come out of her mouth, she had just realized that in her hand she was holding a huge knife covered in blood and suddenly she remembered that oppressing sensation she felt on her chest the previous night.
Fearing the worst she ran to the next room, the room where her family were sleeping and her worst nightmares came true.
"If on the next full moon the debt hasn’t been paid, you will bring misfortune on your whole family. The day will turn to night and what you love the most will be your target."
Lilith froze with the knife still in her hand, staring at the room where the lifeless bodies of her husband and her two children were laying, she had killed them, she had killed them all.
Someone was shouting behind her, she slowly turned her head and saw the old man pointing and yelling at her, although she didn’t manage to hear any of his words, the only thing she could hear just before that man ran away leaving the door open was the word "monster ”.
Lilith turned around again, feeling a terrible headache and with that burning sensation again in her heart, she looked down and saw how scales began to manifest all over her body, her feet had transformed into claws.
Looking for her reflection in the window she saw her face completely transformed, watched terrified how horns emerged from her head and lost consciousness again, the last thing that crossed her mind was “That man was right, I’m a monster”.
Lilith woke up after an hour, in tears she buried her family at the foot of the mountains, behind that cabin where they had spent the last hours happy and left with a single objective, determined to avenge her family and punish those who had taken what she most wanted, they had made a mistake by not killing them personally, they had underestimated Lilith by leaving her alive.
Lilith needed information and above all, she needed to know what was happening to her.
She spent some time away from everyone trying to figure out how to control those transformations, every time she thought of her family and about everything she had lost that night, the transformation started again, but she no longer lost consciousness and little by little she learned not only to control it but also to take advantage of it.
She still needed information about that family her husband was in debt to, she regretted not asking him more questions while he was still alive.
In order to seek information and with the intention of learning how to use a sword, she started working in a tavern that acted as the base of a hired assassins guild where, after charming of the most skilled (but not particularly smart) members and a few months of training, she became an expert with daggers.
She never participated in the activities of the guild, she only wanted one thing and she already had what she had come looking for, she knew where to find their targets and she was prepared to finish them off using her transformation and a pair of huge daggers on which she had spent the little money she had left.
It was there where she earned the nickname "Double-Edged" due to the facility she had to appear friendly with everyone but knowing how dangerous she could be if pissed off.
Lilith returned to her city, the city where everything started and infiltrated that organization, she gained the favor of her superiors until one day the opportunity presented itself, the heads of the organization were going to have a meeting and they needed a lot of their men as protection, she volunteered.
Once there, covered with her hood, she was told who were the ones she had to protect and she again saw those two huge men and that damn old woman ... she was eager to slice her neck.
It had been a while since the meeting ended and most of the guests had already left, but when the head of the family and that old woman accompanied by her two gorillas turned their backs on her and headed for the door ... Lilith grabbed her new daggers, closed her eyes ... and thought of her family.
This time we went a little bit crazy with the extra versions and this figure includes an extra NSFW version (same as always) but also includes a hooded version for better stealth.
And even though we have chosen not to go into Exotic Dragonborn territory, we decided to release an "intermediate" option ... Cursed Lilith.
This makes a total of 6 different variations.
You can find the files attached in our July Release Post