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This time we have something very special to announce.

We're sure that almost all of you already know Angel Giraldez ...

Well ... he just uploaded our first Video Painting Guide!

Giraldez method: AIRBRUSH + BRUSH / Metodo Giraldez: AEROGRAFO + PINCEL

Go check Angel's YouTube Channel where he has amazing video guides and very useful short tutorials in both English and Spanish.

You can also visit his Web and support him by buying any of his Mastercalss Painting Books, Painted Minis/Busts or Merch

Follow him on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook to see his latest projects and updates.

And this isn't even our Monthly Painting Guide, we'll soon be announcing our usual PDF Guide for other of our Chunky Humans.

Remember that by joining our Patreon you'll get all our PDF Painting Guides.

Check out our past guides:

If you're a Patron and want to download any of our Painting Guides click the following link and you'll find all the ones we have released until now: Painting Guides (Download)

You can also find All the Guides in your MMF Library.

Elisa and Daniel,
Bite the Bullet Team.


Giraldez method: AIRBRUSH + BRUSH 👑/ Metodo Giraldez: AEROGRAFO + PINCEL 👑

💚 DISCOUNT CODE: ANGEL30 💚 MyMiniFactory: https://www.myminifactory.com/users/BiteTheBullet Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/BiteTheBullet 🟡 GOLD SPONSORS 🟡 -Gamers Grass: https://www.gamersgrass.com/ -Redgrass Games https://www.redgrassgames.com/?utm_source=AngelGiraldeZ -Artis Opus brushes: https://www.artis-opus.com/ - Harder & Steenbeck:https://www.harder-airbrush.eu/en/ -Acrylicos Vallejo:https://acrylicosvallejo.com/ - Goblin Trader: https://www.goblintrader.es/ 🔵 SILVER SPONSORS Racing Colors ( PACK DE AEROGRAFIA)👇🏻 https://tiendaracingcolors.com/es/sets-modelismo-aerografia/set-aerografia-modelismo-angel-giraldez.html#/2570-aer%C3%B3grafo_harder_steenbeck-ultra_2_en_1_0_2mm_0_4mm/2573-compresor_rcn-air_line_rcn/2575-kit_limpieza_completo-no_lo_quiero https://tiendaracingcolors.com 🟠 BRONCE SPONSORS 🟠 -Sunward Hobbies: https://www.sunwardhobbies.ca/ -Element Games ( Airbrush Pack) ❤️ https://elementgames.co.uk/paints-hobby-and-scenery/element-essentials/egaps/angel-giraldez https://elementgames.co.uk/ -Art Hobbies: https://arthobbies.com.mx/



I have seen your post on Instagram. He's truly amazing. I'm from Italy, and I wanted to ask...is there any reason why you spanish people are so involved in painting/modeling? It seems to me that a lot of good painters/modelers come from Spain!


Well, I'm sure it has something to be with our art history and tradition but I'm also sure you have no lack of that in Italy either. Tbh ... no idea, but you're totally right, there are some incredible painters around here.


Peaso fichaje! Hace tiempo que lo sigo, proponerle un "giveaway" de "spanish water BtB edition", lo petais seguro. Ya si eso modelarle conejillos q le molan 😅😅😅


Haha, agua del grifo española la tenemos nosotros aquí en casa también, 🤔 igual si la embotellamos y se la mandamos para que le ponga el sello de AG tenemos un buen negocio 😋 Muy buen visto M0ll 😅