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Good evening everyone, here I am, belayed again - some sickness caught me and I'm still trying to get rid of it, the last days have felt very loopy, but it's getting better already. I went to a little Yin Yoga Session of a friend of mine last night and that was lovely for my mind and body - in general I'm really enjoying autumn this year (have I mentioned that already?) so I have no problem with sitting at home on the floor continuing my crotchet project or sewing a curtain for my front door (the bitter winter winds are already here). It might sound like it's easy for me to relax and take a step back, but honestly I'm struggling a lot with not doing things all the time, with leaving things on my to-do-list and watching chaos be chaos around me... But some days gotta be slow.

Maybe that's what I had in mind when I recorded this piano piece this morning, maybe Leif Vollebekk's lyrics still lingered in my head ('big dreams they move slowly' - Southern Star). To me the melody appears like slow, hopeful, calm dreamy clouds of sound. As if my head is slightly above the clouds watching the sunrise. Very soft and timid light, "sanft & zaghaft".

Also I must mention the U.S. election - I'm afraid there is no country on this planet for which it doesn't make a difference who is president of the United States of America. I could name a hundred reasons why D. Trump is a terrible and terrifying choice, but I guess you know those anyway. I'm not really surprised, but still shocked, it still feels like a bad joke, but here we go again, American Horror Story part 2...
Especially in these times - remember who you are, what you stand for, who you love and whom wanna protect, remember that you're not alone and that there are many out there who understand you and share your values. I'm hoping for the best and send you lots of strength, we'll get through this. Maybe my music can help a little bit with this 'Weltschmerz'.

All the best and some coziness from Vienna!

