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Just a heads up guys. One of my two "workin" computer's SSD drive failed on Friday after only 2 years.💩It took a bit to figure out what happened and a bit longer to get the replacement drive to reload Windows. Interesting sidenote, when replacing a main drive it is best to disconnect any other drives until windows is reloaded even though it may identify all the drives. Microsoft dosen't mention that...🤬Suddenly all the loading problems disappear. Went in that circle for a while.

Didn't lose any work just the operating system and the Daz software. I am reloading it all tonight and it will rejoin the workforce by tomorrow but I may need to catch up on some sleep.😳



I'm sorry to hear that.


Sorry to hear this though I'm glad you didn't lose any of your work. Hope you get some decent rest while it all reloads.

Joerg Urbon

I'm really sorry to hear that for you! I hope everything will be okay again!


That really sucks! This is why I back everything in a 2TB external hard drive. I am very afraid of losing all my work.


Oh yeah, it took 10 hours to move my library though, 😋. We just got up n running 30 minutes ago. Looks fine, I'm cook'n on two stoves again...


The work is safe and backed up but the operating systems are gone. Those damn SSD cards are either a blessing or curse. It really did suck. At first I thought it was the graphics card since the drive was so young. I had to pull and reinstall the video card twice before it came back to live...very odd.🤔Good thing I was playing with Poison Ivy at the time.😋