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Anonymous Caller~As you can see this woman is deranged. She is a deviant and belongs in that prison.

Ursula~You know they called me deranged when I was a child. Babbling you say, like she lost her mind? I've never fucked someone so hard they lost their mind. Never found a boy or girl that could keep pace frankly...

Anonymous Caller~Ursula! Please, this is dangerous. You need to get a hold of the lawyer today.

Ursula~ Good idea, I will. Do you have anymore images?




Clearly the person warning Ursula doesn't know her well. All they have done is show Ursula a potential soulmate as far the blonde is concerned.

Alec Musc

Eager to see Ursula facing Kiki, it will be a WAR

Joerg Urbon

Finally, a picture that suits my taste! I really hope Ursula doesn't let the anonymous caller stop her from taking on Kiki. And I hope, like Ursula, that the anonymous caller has more pictures. By the way: Latoya also has very pretty foot soles. It would be nice if these gave Kiki a taste for tickling Latoya's foot soles with one hand and forcing Latoya to ejaculate again with the other hand at the same time.


They may have to rebuild the Prison when it's over. 😋


Finally? Finally? I create about 2 images a day solely on this fetish, how laser focused are you? I really try to please a wide variety it baffles me that I am missing that much?🤯


The last part is pretty specific, that would be a commission love.😋