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Dixie will not be "plowed" outta her truck bed. This is her first time fighting a girl built like herself but she already knows this girl's weakness and getting her to back up is easy. Now they can have a proper boxing match.




Isabella may not be a lesbian now, but Dixie is working hard to change that if only to help get back into the fight.

Anthony Betz

When do these two bare knuckle fighters break each others face?

Hell Ray

Now thats playin dirty. lol


As soon as the lazy bum illustrating this fight gets busy.😣


Dixie isnt just excited about fighting a gal built like her she is a bit horny too.😋


She almost got plowed outta the truck bed, this isn't a Sumo match! She wants to let her hands go and maybe get to play with Isabella's tits a bit. But thats secondary!😋😋