HIS MAN 3 — EP 8 (Patreon)
OH MY GOD, WHAT AN EPISODE! So much clarity on things we didn't know, for us the viewers and for the MEN as well. I have so many thoughts on everything but mainly on the YOUNGJOON and MYEONGKYUN situation.
I can understand both sides and how they feel and where these emotions are coming from but I think YOUNGJOON shouldn't lose his temper like that, he should walk away and calm down. Being angry is okay but the way he yelled at MYEONGKYUN, slammed the table and acted really aggressive was a little uncomfortable to watch. Not to mention just telling him to "leave" like that? But I understand why he's so angry at this point because it feels like he can't get anywhere when he talks to MYEONGKYUN but yelling at him and being rude is not helping.
MYEONGKYUN being brought to tears really broke my heart, especially after we find out that the reason for how he has been acting is because he's hurt fromn being ghosted by YOUNGJOON. Maybe if he had expressed that sooner and talked to him about it, it wouldn't have gotten to this point? I don't know. I'm really excited to see how their next talk will go as we saw in the preview.
HANMIN is so charming and kind, I love him. HWI is the star of the show. SEONGMIN can't make up his mind lmao
Let me know your thoughts~