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OH MY GOD, WHAT AN EPISODE! So much clarity on things we didn't know, for us the viewers and for the MEN as well. I have so many thoughts on everything but mainly on the YOUNGJOON and MYEONGKYUN situation.

I can understand both sides and how they feel and where these emotions are coming from but I think YOUNGJOON shouldn't lose his temper like that, he should walk away and calm down. Being angry is okay but the way he yelled at MYEONGKYUN, slammed the table and acted really aggressive was a little uncomfortable to watch. Not to mention just telling him to "leave" like that? But I understand why he's so angry at this point because it feels like he can't get anywhere when he talks to MYEONGKYUN but yelling at him and being rude is not helping.

MYEONGKYUN being brought to tears really broke my heart, especially after we find out that the reason for how he has been acting is because he's hurt fromn being ghosted by YOUNGJOON. Maybe if he had expressed that sooner and talked to him about it, it wouldn't have gotten to this point? I don't know. I'm really excited to see how their next talk will go as we saw in the preview.

HANMIN is so charming and kind, I love him. HWI is the star of the show. SEONGMIN can't make up his mind lmao
Let me know your thoughts~





If I were Hanmin… I would’ve lost my interest in Youngjoon tbh. If that’s how he reacts when he’s pissed… idk Hanmin idk. @1:45:24 He didn’t just say “because I hate you.” He said “because I fucking hate you because you’re a dick” to Myeongkyun. I would’ve cried too if someone that I previously liked said that to me in front of people damn. I’M SORRY BUT I just can’t with people with hot tempers. He’s the type of a person who thinks what he says is always right & is never willing to wait to hear others’ opinions, which I cannot stand. If Myeongkyun didn’t see the need to tell others about their relationship… then maybe don’t? Don't force someone to say something they don't want to say just to make yourself feel comfortable. I’m not a patient person either but if Youngjoon knew Myeongkyun for four years… he should’ve been aware that Myeongkyun needs time to collect his thoughts before speaking. This was a whole messsss. I understand YJ’s frustration but he went too far. Damn I wrote a lot LOL sorry🥲


i feel like myeongkyun is very misunderstood, i get him. 😞


omg the fact that he said THAT is crazy, these translations are so bad sometimes like wtf??? it's also a bit weird how nobody tried to calm him down? LIKE WHAT hm I do understand YJ's frustration at this point because of how many days has passed and because of the chat room situation and just the like... experience of trying to communicate with MK about this situation. if MK doesn't want to tell others about their past then it automatically forces YJ to lie and keep lying about the situation because they will both have to pretend they don't know each other from before the whole time?? like that feels weirder to me than to just let everyone know. if they don't want to answer further questions about it like "how did you meet" etc then they could just say that? and at least they would have been open about it since it will come out after the show anyway. idk someone is being forced here either way yes YJ should really know that at this point. I learned that after having seen MK engage in a conversation once lmao. but he's also had so many days to think about this and what to say and has chosen to only say kind of cryptic things behind YJ's back about him being fake, etc. but I also know where he is coming from because of the whole "ghosting" situation. it for sure is a big mess and they're both at fault in many ways but yes YJ for sure went too far saying that. he really should apologize. i feel like YJ is seeing MK's unwillingness to "cooperate" as a personal attack which I don't think it is. I think MK kind of just doesn't understand buuut is also feeling a little petty about it all idk haha BUT I CAN'T WAIT FOR THE NEXT EPISODE and see what they say then 👀


i do struggle to understand him sometimes and the weird translations do not help lmao


I would’ve been scared to intervene if I was in that room too, but yeah at least be like hey… don’t say that…🥲🥲🥲🥲 And YES, I do understand both sides and both are in the wrong in so many different ways. They’re just sooooo different from each other. Myeongkyun is more like “I don’t see the need to tell everyone but if you want, go ahead. If they find out, it is what it is.” Meanwhile YJ: “Let’s gather everyone and tell them right NOW.” This probably would’ve not been a real problem if they just casually said hi from the beginning🤷🏻‍♀️ This is only Myeongkyun’s second or third day…? I think even if he wanted to tell people the day before this mess, the whole Jaeseung asking Seongmin on a secret date during dinner time kinda took away the right moment😅 I am NOT taking any of their sides atm. Youngjoon calm tf down & Myeongkyun speak tf up. PLEASE. Then, it’s YJ’s responsibility to clear things up and apologize to MK before anything.


I think after watching this episode for a second time I feel more for Myeongkyun. I relate a lot to him and the way he has trouble reading social situations/expressing how he feels (for me this is because of autism, no idea for Myeongkyun). Like not seeming to be able to fully comprehend why Youngjoon ghosted him, why he wouldn't want to talk to him, why he might be making him angry, etc. I originally thought he was just trying to annoy Youngjoon or get back at him but I think he genuinely doesn't realize that the way he's responding is distressing. On the other hand, Youngjoon thinks that he's doing this maliciously, making him act more aggressively than he might in a different situation. Just bad vibes all around unfortunately.


honestly that's a good point, i'd probably be scared too but at least maybe be like.. "WOAH OK CALM DOWN" yeah i think the whole "WE MUST GATHER EVERYONE AND TELL THEM" is a bit much, like just start telling people and news will spread?? lmao. YJ is for sure making it a bigger deal than it needs to be. honestly after seeing MK cry i am taking HIS SIDE because i feel bad cus ive been mean to him but also; no matter if i agree more with YJ because he needs to APOLOGIZE!!! and if he does that, then i will be back in the middle lol


i've actually had the same thought that maybe that could be the case for him! like when I was making the thumbnail for this episode it occurred to me. i feel like i want to rewatch this episode for myself, at least that whole fight


i feel like a second watch of the chat room and the fight really helped me be more sympathetic to them both!! that first watch was… rough

Amber Domi

lemme explain the sunflower situation! So if someone compares themselves to a sunflower in a romantic type of setting like this, it usually means that they only have eye for who they are interested in. This is because a sunflower always turns towards where the sun is! Its sweet of Myeongkyun to reference it during the anonymous questions because Minseon has said it's his favourite flower before and its super adorable that Minseon said it again later to reassure Myeongkyun during chatting

Amber Domi

atp i feel like seungjin and hanmin are the most emotionally intelligent and they should just date instead LMAO

Lindsay B.

No one has ever called Seungjin and no one entered his chat. I’m not saying he has fully put himself out there but I can see why his self esteem must be crushed. Mine would be he honestly has more strength than me bc I would have hid in a bathroom or left. I want to hold him in my pocket forever.


I love him, I want him to go on another date with JAESEUNG and also go on a date with HANMIN!


I agree Johan, this season is too littered with surprises and gags. I feel like it's about a lot of various situations that aren't about the men trying to connect to each other 😪 I feel like I hardly remember the dates from this season compared to last season because of all the house drama. Even the friendships seem to be a lot weaker than the ones they build in season 2 and the trio in season 1. This is my take on Myeongkyun/Youngjoon: I understand a bit why Myeongkyun shut down at first because Youngjoon came in really hot about the whole thing. I feel like Youngjoon was much more focused on anxiously fixing any "stain" this might put on his pursuits in the house instead of earnestly wanting to work on a resolution with Myeongkyun. He seemed pretty dismissive of the actual history while being very invested in the consequences it could have on his chances (hmmmm maybe someone knew they were in the wrong with leaving a person on read for months) but that's speculation. I only say this bc he seems very intelligent and aware. I think Youngjoon could have had more compassion for Myeongkyun opening up the conversation and still mark the boundary that he's not interested in Myeongjyun. Especially since he's the one that rejected him. You gotta lead with grace with these things. These are human emotions were talking about here!!! If this wasn't a CLASSIC example of anxious/avoidant attachment theory I don't want is. LOLOLOL


....one day you'll start a new dating show where I can comment in real time hahahahaha until then I will be in the backrooms of your patreon pursuing past content 😅😂🕵️