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THIS WAS SUCH A SWEET EPISODE, it felt very needed after the previous one lol. The friendly dates were really wholesome and cute and I really enjoyed their conversations! But I think it's safe to say no new love interests sparked up.

The home date was my favourite part, though. Seeing MYEONGKYUN so excited and relaxed was really lovely! And I could tell him and MINSEON had fun together. Seeing MINSEON take care of MYEONGKYUN like that was adorable and he really deserved it. I hope he will develop some more romantic feelings for him. Sometimes it takes time! A WEEK IS SO SHORT! And it's good that he's not forcing it.

I hope and believe YOUNGJOON and MYEONGKYUN's next conversation will be more fruitful. YOUNGJOON needs to control his temper and let MYEONGKYUN speak! I also hope he apologizes for what he said so rudely >:(
Let me know your thoughts~





I love Myeongkyun. I have a friend that's very much like him (I'll call him Mark). When I was first befriending Mark there were times where I was super frustrated, on how he communicated and how he dealt with things and his way of confronting issues, but after observing and watching him, I realized Mark never had bad intentions. I think Myeongkyun is the same. He's the type of person you have to take at face value, and I think that drives certain types of people crazy, especially those that overthink (such as Youngjoon, and in my friend Mark's case, me). Myeongkyun is quirky, can be weird, and funny, but you know he's true to himself and genuinely doesn't want to harm others. I love that authenticity. And once you get to know those types of people they are so extremely loyal (sometimes to a fault, and you can see this through Myeongkyun texting Youngjoon months after getting ghosted and saying he's the type to wait) and willing to do anything for you. You just can't overthink things with them, that's the thing. They like to move at their own pace. And you have to be straightforward and honest because they don't want to overthink things either.