THE BOYFRIEND — EP 7 & 8 (Patreon)
The scene we have all been waiting for DID NOT DISAPPOINT oh my god I feel like I could go through it a hundred times frame by frame and dissect it but that would probably be way too weird so how about NO 🌝 I seriously love the progress both DAI and SHUN have been making. I think it's important to understand how different they are and I've been back and forth on how I feel about them but seeing them now kind of erases any doubts I had because I don't care about that anymore lol I just really hope they will continue like this! Growing and learning together.
I'm glad multiple pairs got to go on dates this time but I also hope we get to see what those back at the house are up to. I just want more footage! More episodes! I'm not ready for the last two next week! But I've been enjoying this show so much. Let me know your thoughts~