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LunarTap here to watch!

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I think tell me now had the best use of backup dancers. Purr’s were only ever on the left and right flanks with the five girls in the middle - like what was the point? They could’ve made it so much more interesting. And kaboom I think did a great performance, but this was the dance unit and a lot of what they did was gesturing and swag and pausing to lip sync high notes and stuff which is cool for a regular performance but isn’t showing like tough technical dancing ability. Choerry had the most lines too in ta mi na — so proud! 🥹😭

Jessi (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-02 00:30:35 I feel like Monika is the only one understood the assignment of what “dance” unit should look like. Vocal should be just vocal, rap should be just rap, and dance should be just dance. It’s that simple. I loved all three performances but Brave girls & Loona definitely deserved #1 for this one💕💕
2022-05-19 21:32:23 I feel like Monika is the only one understood the assignment of what “dance” unit should look like. Vocal should be just vocal, rap should be just rap, and dance should be just dance. It’s that simple. I loved all three performances but Brave girls & Loona definitely deserved #1 for this one💕💕

I feel like Monika is the only one understood the assignment of what “dance” unit should look like. Vocal should be just vocal, rap should be just rap, and dance should be just dance. It’s that simple. I loved all three performances but Brave girls & Loona definitely deserved #1 for this one💕💕