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I CAN'T BEGIN TO EXPLAIN HOW EMOTIONAL AND HEART WRENCHING IT WAS TO GO THROUGH ALL THE EMOTIONS WHILE WATCHING THIS. Like I hope my reaction isn't super boring because of this? I have no idea. I can't stress enough how much this EPIC show has me analyzing every moment, at the edge of my seat and I feel like sometimes I even forget to breathe like what the fuck is going on?

Only 2 episodes left 😭 I'm so not ready for that. This show is amazing. I really hope it will have a season 2. There's so much more I want to know about the characters, like what actually happened with Jaewon's brother, what happened with him during his time in the military, can we get to meet his parents?

I want to know where Ji Hyun comes from and how he was brought up, his family and childhood friends, etc! I WANT TO KNOW MORE PLEASE HAVE A SECOND SEASON. Anyway see you next week in my last reaction for this show 😭




Kay Popped

The cinematography, though! It acts as a subtle force to make you feel things whether you want to or not. You were so right about the darkness of the scenes here, and how they added weight to the story and depth, without needing lots of storyline clues. You could _feel_ how Jae Won was struggling just because the lighting in the scene was so dark and deep. I was fascinated by the storytelling because really the series is roughly 5 hours long and the indecision time exists for about 20 minutes in total in episode 7. It's the creation of the impact, the things we are shown, the things said and unsaid during that brief period that evokes so much emotion. Production aspects aside, though, when you mentioned about what Jae Won's feeling, it got me thinking about the number of KBLs I've seen where being gay is the main source of tension for the couple. I couldn't think of many examples where that storyline happens, though there are several "I'm confused about my own feelings," which happens in many relationships, not just queer ones. It occurred to me that it's a nice representative shift that acceptance isn't the sole focus of the character lives we've seen. I'm older, so I've seen a lot of the queer stories over the years and recall how much emphasis was put on the painful process of coming out, self-acceptance, and finding community. It seems like more modern stories are about the people in the relationships themselves, and I think it's a wonderful change. That Ji Hyun's best friend is just like, "you should have told me sooner" and was happy to see his friend happy was perfect. Same with Ae Ri's acknowledgement without batting an eye. It feels also very human that people are saying stupid, inconsiderate things, as real life people do. His therapist talking about her salary was jarring, but also both relatable in its awkwardness, and inadvisable, too. Heh. But his "friend's" comment deserved that punch, disciplinary board or not. And while we're talking of throwing hands, Eun Ji needs a k-drama slap. Anyway, glad you're still enjoying the series, can't wait to finish it up, and see how you feel about the ending. As ever, thanks for spending the time sharing with me/us.


I love your comments so much 💙 AND YES EUNJI REALLY NEEDS A K-DRAMA SLAP I could NOT have said it better myself lmao