Hi :)
Yesterday TWO MEN finally started installing fiber in all the apartments in my building, however they keep going in and out of all the apartments multiple times a day which doesn't really give me any peace of mind to record videos so I won't be able to do that until they're finished, I really hope it will be today but they should AT LEAST be done this week! I really hope. I don't know. I don't want ask because I'm a people pleaser and hate to be a bother :( I'll make them coffee instead :(
They leave late in the afternoon and then it's too damn dark to record (it gets like pitch black at 4pm in Sweden these days).
Just wanted to let you guys know in case you wonder where I'm at, I'll be editing and making new thumbnails for my COLLECTIONS and please join the Discord, I'm active there everyday and the community there is AMAZING, just download Discord for free and connect your accounts here on Patreon! I get a lot of DMs about different topics, events and groups that we're all chatting about in the Discord already so please join and talk there because I tend to only respond to DMs when it's about Patreon related questions 💙
Hope you're all doing well, staying healthy and happy! Love you all, see you soon!!! I HOPE