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Red fur is giving big off Clifford vibes. So sleepy, can't handle it.

Wanted to see if I could get away with no shading, but I think the colors might need to go a little more abstract and thematic to pull that off.

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kitties are purrfect for sleepy naps. Just curl up anywhere and snooze !

Little Napoleon

It reads well as flats to me! If you're still experimenting with alternatives to shading, though, some selective highlights might do the trick!


Might opt for minimal shading with your style, in my experience it's the style of the art more than the colors used that makes you want to see stuff shaded. A few hard shading lines in key spots is really all it'd take though.


I guess that's to be expected, typically artists that use solid color also use heavier blacks and thick line work in place of shades.